Psych 209: Chapter 5 Vocab Flashcards
Exam 2
A research procedure in which some factor is varied, all else is held constant, and some result id measured
Independent Variable
The factor of interest to the researcher; it can be directly manipulated by the experimenter, or participants can be selected by virtue of their possessing certain attributes
Field Research
Research that occurs in any location other than a scientific laboratory
Field Experiments
An experiment that is conducted outside the laboratory; a narrower term than field research
Situational Variables
Type of independent variable in which subjects encounter different environmental circumstances
Task Variables
Type of independent variable in which participants are given different types of tasks to perform
Instructional Variables
Type of independent variable in which participants are given different sets of instructions about ow to perform
Experimental Group
In a study with an identified control group, the experimental group is given the treatment being tested
Control Group
A group not given a treatment that is being evaluated in a study; provides a means of comparison
Extraneous Variables
Any uncontrolled factor that is not of interest to the researcher but could affect the results
Any extraneous variable that covaries with the independent variable and could provide an alternative explanation of the results
Dependent Variable
Behavior measured as the outcome of an experiment
Ceiling Effect
Occurs when scores on two or more conditions are at or near the maximum possible for the scale being used, giving the impression that no differences exist between the conditions
Floor Effect
Occurs when scores on two or more conditions are at or near the minimum possible for the scale being used, giving the impression that no differences exist between the conditions
Subject Variables
A type of independent variable that is elected rather than manipulated by the experimenter; refers to an already existing attribute of the individuals chosen for the study
Statistical Conclusion Validity
Said to exist when the researcher uses statistical analysis properly and draws the appropriate conclusions from the analysis
Construct Validity
In measurement, it occurs when the measure being used accurately assesses some hypothetical construct; also refers to whether the construct itself is valid; in research, refers to whether the operational definition used for independent and dependent variables are valid
External Validity
The extent to which the findings of a study generalize to other populations, other settings, and other times
Ecological Validity
Said to exist when research studies psychological phenomena in everyday situations
Internal Validity
The extent to which a study if free from methodological flaws, especially confounding factors
Subject Pool
Group of students asked to participate in research, typically as part of an introductory psychology course requirement; sometimes called a “participant pool”