Psych 209: Chapter 12 Vocab Flashcards
Exam 1
Naturalistic Observation
Descriptive research method in which the behavior of people or animals is studied as it occurs in everyday life
Participant Observation
Descriptive research method in which the behavior of people is studied as it occurs in its everyday natural environment and the researcher becomes apart of the group being observed
Observer Bias
Can occur when preconceived ideas held by the researcher affect the nature of the observations made
Behavior Checklists
Lists of behaviors with predefined operational definitions that researchers are trained to use in an observational study
Interobserver Reliability
The degree of agreement between two or more observers of the same event
Time Sampling
A procedure in observational research in which behavior is sampled only during predefined times
Event Sampling
A procedure in observational research in which only certain types of behaviors occurring under precisely defined conditions are sampled
Occurs when participants’ behavior is influenced by the knowledge that they are being observed and their behavior is being recorded in some fashion
Unobtrusive Measures
Any measure of behavior that can be recorded without participants knowing that their behavior has been observed
Convenience Sample
A non-probability sample in which the researcher requests volunteer from a group of people who meet the general requirement of the study; used in most psychological research, except when specific estimates of population values need to be made
All the members of an identifiable group
Some portion or subset of a population
Probability Sampling
Method of selecting research participants according to some systematic sampling procedure
- simple random sample
- stratified sample
- cluster sample
A sample with characteristics that math those same attributes as they exist in the population
Biased Sample
a sample that is not representative of the population
In surveys, when the sample is composed of only those who voluntarily choose to respond, the result can be a biased sample
Simple Random Sample
A probability sample in which each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected as a member of the sample
Stratified Sample
A probability sample that is random, with the restriction that important subgroups are proportionately represented in the sample
Quota Sample
A non-probability sample in which the proportions of some subgroups in the sample are the same as those subgroup proportions in the popoulation
Cluster Sampling
A probability sample that randomly selects clusters of people having some feature in common and tests all people within the selected clusted
Interview Survey
A survey method in which the researcher interviews a participant face to face; allows for more in-depth surveying
Phone Surveying
A survey method in which the researcher asks questions over the phone
Selling Under the Guise of Survey
A marketing strategy in which an attempt to sell a product is made by disguising the sales pitch with what appears to be a legitimate survey
Electronic Survey
Any survey research that is conducted over the internet; can be a survet sent by email or survey posted on a website
Written Survey
A survey method in which the researcher creates a written questionnaire that is willed out by participants
Nonresponse Bias
Occurs in survey research when those who return surveys differ in some systematic fashion from those who don’t respond
Social Desirability Bias
A type of response bias in survey research; occurs when people respond to a question by trying to put themselves in a favorable light
Open-Ended Question
A type of question found on surveys the requires a narrative response, rather than a “yes” or “no”
Closed Question
A type of question found on surveys that can be answer “yes” or “no” or by marking a point on a scale
Response Acquiesence
A response set in which a participant has tendency to respond positively to survey questions, all else being equal
DK alternative
In survey research, when assessing levels of participant knowledge, this is an alternative that means “don’t know”
Demographic Information
Any data that can serve to classify or identify individuals
Double-Barreled Question
In a survey, a question or statement that asks or states two different things in a single item
Leading Questions
In a survey, a question that is asked in such a way that the answer desired by the questioner is clear
Sample Frame
List of individuals from whom the sample will be drawn; with cluster sampling, a list of groups from which a sample of group will be selected