Psych 209: Chapter 2 Vocab Flashcards
Exam 2
A set of principles prescribing behaviors that are morally correct
Critical Incidents
Method, used by ethics committees, that surveys psychologists and asks for examples of unethical behavior by psychologists
Research Participants/Subjects
Any person who takes part in and contributes data to a research study in psychology
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
University committee responsible for evaluating whether research proposals provide adequate protection of the rights of participants; must exist for any college or university receiving federal funds for research
In the ethical decision making that goes into the planning of a study, refers to the chance that participating in research would have greater costs than benefits to the participants
Informed Consent
The idea that persons should be given sufficient information about a study to make their decision to participate as a research subject an informed and voluntary one
A research strategy in which participants are not told of all the details of an experiment at its outset; used for the purpose of avoiding demand characteristics
To give assent is to say “yes”; in the SRCD code of ethics for research with children, refers to the willingness on the part of the child to participate in the study
A post experimental session in which the experimenter explains the study’s purpose, reduces any discomfort felt by participants, and answers ant questions posed by participants
A tendency for people who have participated in a research study to inform future participants about the true purpose of the study
That portions of the debriefing in which the true purpose of the study is explained to participants
That portion of debriefing in which the experimenter tries to reduce any distress felt by participants as a result of their research experience
In research ethics, an agreement on the part of the researcher not to divulge the identity of those participating in a research study.
Deliberately taking the ideas of someone and claiming them as one’s own
Falsifying Data
Manufacturing or altering data to bring about a desired result