PSYCH 2030 WEEK 6 Flashcards
Prolonged Grief Disorder
Persistent and intense grief lasting beyond what is considered typical. (1 year plus)
Adjustment Disorders
Difficulty coping with life changes or stressors, leading to emotional and behavioral problems.
Attachment Disorders
Difficulty forming healthy emotional bonds with caregivers or others.
Reactive Attachment disorder
Inability to form emotional attachments due to neglect or inconsistent care in early childhood.
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Overly friendly or familiar behavior with strangers due to a lack of healthy attachment relationships.
Dissociative Disorders
experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, behavior and identity
Feeling detached from one’s own thoughts, feelings, or body.
feel detached from the world
Depersonalization-derealization disorder
When feelings of depersonalization are so severe they dominate the clients life and prevent normal functioning
Dissociative amnesia
Inability to recall important personal information, often due to trauma or stress.
Generalized Amnesia
Condition in which a person loses memory of all personal information
Localized amnesia / Selective Amnesia
Memory loss limited to specific times and events, particularly traumatic events
Dissociative Fugue
Sudden unexpected travel from home, along with an inability to recall the past, sometimes with assumption of a new identity
Dissociative Trance Disorder
Altered state of consciousness in which the person believers firmly that he or she is possessed by spirits; considered a disorder only where there is distress and dysfunction
Dissociative identity disorder
Formally known as multiple personality disorder, a disorder in which as many as 100 personalities or fragments of personalities coexist within one body and mind
Different identities or personality states within a person with dissociative identity disorder.
and who coined it
- Eugen Bleuler
Psychotic disorder that may involve characteristic disturbances in thinking (delusions), perception (hallucinations), speech, emotions, and behavior
State of unresponsiveness or abnormality in movement and behavior.
Silly and immature emotionality
Dementia Praecox
Older term for schizophrenia, emphasizing early onset and cognitive decline.
Associative Splitting
Separation of thoughts and emotions, characteristic of schizophrenia.
Loss of contact with reality, often including delusions or hallucinations.
Positive Symptoms
More obvious symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations
False belief held despite evidence to the contrary.
Negative Symptoms
Less obvious symptoms, such as flat affect and poverty of speech
Lack of motivation or inability to initiate and persist in important activities
Poverty of speech, often seen as a symptom of schizophrenia
Inability to experience pleasure from normally enjoyable activities.
Lack of interest in social interactions or relationships.
Flat Affect
Lack of emotional expression, even in situations that typically evoke emotions.
Disorganized Symptoms
Erratic behaviors that affect speech, motor behaviors, and emotional reactions
Disorganized Speech
Incoherent or illogical speech patterns.
Inappropriate Affect
Emotional displays that are improper for the situation
Catatonic Immobility
Disturbances of motor behavior in which the person remains motionless, sometimes in an awkward posture for extended periods of time
Schizophreniform Disorder
Psychotic disorder involving the symptoms of schizophrenia but lasting less than 6 months
Schizoaffective Disorder
Combination of schizophrenia symptoms and mood disorder symptoms.
Delusional Disorder
Presence of delusions without other schizophrenia symptoms.
Shared Psychotic Disorder
Delusional beliefs of one person transmitted to another who is close to them.
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Sudden onset of psychotic symptoms lasting less than one month.
Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome
Disorder involving the onset of psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions which put a person at high risk for schizophrenia
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
a person might have unusual beliefs, behaviors, and difficulties in social situations
Prodromal Stage
Early stage of an illness, characterized by nonspecific symptoms preceding the full onset of the disorder.
A cold, dominating, rejecting parent, who was thought to cause schizophrenia in his or her offspring
Double Bind
A double bind is a dilemma in communication in which an individual (or group) receives two or more reciprocally conflicting messages. Used to be thought to cause schizophrenia
Expressed Emotion
Family members’ critical or hostile attitudes toward a person with a psychiatric disorder.
Token Economy
Behavioral therapy technique using tokens or points as rewards for desired behaviors, often used in institutional settings.