PSYC 100 Chapter 4 Flashcards
Primary Visual cortex
Basic features of an image, low-level feature
contains feature detectors neurons
Secondary virtual cortex
V2/ Visual association cortex
start to represent object structure
After V2
Higher levels of visual cortex
Hierarchical Analysis
Ventral Pathway
Tells you what something you see is
Damage results in the imparimet of recognizing the objects identity
Dorsal pathway
Tells you where something is
Damage could cause problems in processing location, depth, and motion
MT (motion cortex)
motion region,
damage to this leads to Akinetopsia- cant see motion, but only series of static images
Motion perception
done by comparing previously perceived images to what is currently being perceived
Phi affect
perception of flashing lights as movement
Exist in photoreceptors, varies in how strongly they react to different wavelengths of visible light
3 types of photopigment
Each are more sensitive to one of 3:
Short-Blue, Medium-Green, Long-Red
Normal color vision
having 3 types of cones
missing 2 types of cones
missing 1 type of cone
Trichromatic theory
any one color patch could be matched by the additive mixing of three lights of different wavelengths, all of our color experiences could be created by combining these three wavelength components
Photoreceptors that allow us to see things at night,
do not process color
do contain a single type of photopigment whose favorite wavelengths is in the green-blue range
Opponent process theory
the responses of cones are combined in bipolar and ganglion cell layers to create 3 sets of opponent color responses, explains color afterimage
the sense of hearing
translating sound waves into sensations
corresponds to the frequency of its wave
human hearing rage is betweeen 20000 Hz
amplitude of its wave
complexity of a wave
3 properties of sound
Pitch, Loudness, Purity
Middle ear
begins at eardrum, includes ossicles, 3 bones (hammer anvil and stirrup) take signals amplify and translate into waves in the inner ear, ends at oval window
inner ear
contains the cochlea
filled with fluid that is moved when ossicles push and pull on the oval window
cochlea causes
basilar membrane to vibrate, which causes
tiny sensory neurons (cilia) to bend and
trigger neural impulses
Place theory
specific places along the cochlea transduce specific sounds based on how the basilar membrane vibrates. best for sounds from 5000 Hz to 20000Hz
Frequency theory
hair clesss fire at the frequency of the sounds they transduce. Works up to 100 Hz
Volley theory
hair cells could fire at their highest rate slightly out of sync to bridge between 100Hz and 5000 Hz
The primary auditory cortex is
tonotopic- which means that its receptive fields are arranged by tone
the sense of smell
can distinguish 1000-1 trillion odors
Along the top of the nasal cavity, different smells are randomly represented on the epithelium
Places in brain associated with olfaction
Primary olfactory cortex and limbic system, olfactory association cortex
the sense of taste
taste buds
detect specific basic flavors, contain tiny invisible pores
each pore contains 50-100 taste receptors
have more taste receptors than the average person, flavors taste stronger to them
tongue to brain
3 never tracks connect the tongue to the brain, thalamus, primary gustatory cortex, secondary taste regions
All sensory sensations go here except olfaction
pathage of smell
goes directly to the olfactory bulb then to the olfactory cortex then the limbic then the olfactory association cortex
pathage of taste
medulla and thalamus, gustatory, somatosensory cortex
refers generally to senses that are detected by never endings under the skin
touch, pressure, and pain
◦Light touch, deep pressure, and temperature are detected by specialized
nerve endings
◦Touch, temperature, and pain are also detected by free nerve endings