PSY260 - 13. Time Memory Flashcards
Time Memory
Bees +other animals remember time of day they discovered food (food anticipation)
Marmosets learn which box will contain food, but assume restricted to 1 time of day
Time Memory
Hamsters + mice learn where find food/receive foot shock + what time of day will happen
Human beings have distinct times of day they will perform specific tasks/actions
Time Memory
ability to learn + remember time of day when things happen
implicitly remember time of day
food not available all day long - remember time accessible
Time Memory
do a dance to communicate info to sister bees
never taught to them explicitly
we have various devices that tell us the time
don’t think about it - you know it
Episodic memory
autobiographical, places individual at scene of memory (it is your memory, and you know that you were there)
time is critically important for episodic memory
Episodic memory
don’t know if animals simply learned association/know it’s happening, if they have episodic memory
animals behave in tests that indicates they might be using episodic memory
we don’t know how they are accessing that memory
Episodic-like memory
memory of what/when/where but no concrete evidence of autobiography
Explicit time memory
time of day discriminative cue + part of context that must be learned
explicit: avoid chamber at 2, not at 6, get shock in afternoon, not at night
Implicit time memory
time of day not discriminative cue
memory implied by response of subject
Implicit time memory
train at 1 time, no info about what happens at another time, yet perform at time of day trained, not any other time
Implicit time memory
Animals automatically register time of day that significant conditions occur
Animals expect recurrence of condition at same time on subsequent days
measurement of learning depends on when you measure memory
Implicit time memory
has to be significant for animals, not for humans
if tested at diff time of day, might conclude that it hasn’t learned
Conditioned Place Preference or Avoidance
Day 1: Pre-exposure (10 minutes)
animals allowed access to both chambers
no preference
Conditioned Place Preference or Avoidance
Days 2-9: Conditioning (5 min/day, 1 time of day) - animals confined to single chamber on each day - Chamber is alternated each day - reward is paired with ONE chamber
teach them to prefer a chamber - time not discriminatory
next day give nothing in other context at same time
Conditioned Place Preference or Avoidance
Day 10+: Testing (20 minutes)
animals allowed access to both chambers
tested at a clock time which either matches/doesn’t match training time
Post-training context preference: animals trained at CT 13 (late day) with wheel reward
test at same time: preference for paired context
no significance preference at diff time of day
Post-training context preference: animals trained at CT 04 (early day) with wheel reward
paired at early day: show significant preference at early day
no significant preference in late day
takes energy + risk to go foraging for food: so organisms assess likelihood of getting reward + go out when they have experienced reward before