PSY2004 W9 Peers and Friends: Moral development (L) Flashcards
What are some sociometric techniques for measuring peer status?
Method used to categorise children according to their popularity in the classroom.
Each child present with pictures of all class members and asked to nominate 3 people they like a lot and 3 people they don’t like very much. Each child is scored according to how many people did or didn’t like them but in following categories:
Popular, Controversial, Average, Neglected
What are some factors that affect peer status? [specifically social information processing]
temperament/personality, past experiences, physcial appearance (attractievnnes, age,race, gender), social skills
What are some ways in which peer acceptance may be promoted by adult careers?
Parents may help their children develop social skills by:
being the first patners with whom thier children learn to interact, create opportunities for their children to interact with others, being a role model in social interaction themselve, talking about social interactions to develop chil’s understanding of social skills, explicitly providng suggestions as to how to behave or advice on a way forward in a specific situation.
What is moral reasoning?
Social psychologcial Turiel
“prescriptive judgments of justice, rights, and welfare pertaining to how people ought to relate to each other”
What is the philosophical background on moral development?
Plato: becuse the moral life is the harmonious and happy life
Is mankind naturally benevolent? Hobbes: no Rousseau: yes
Is morality a product of reason or emotion? Hume emotion followed by reason.
What is sympathy ?
moral emotions
Feeling for the other, e.g., seeing a sad person and feeling concern
What is empathy ?
moral emotions
Feeling as the other does, e.g., seeing a sad person and feeling sad
What are the fondational theories of Kohleberg on moral reasoning development?
Stages of moral development
1- Preconventional (0-9yrs): What’s right is what authority figures say is right
2- Conventional (9-adulthood): What’s right is about what is generally accepted by people as right
3- Postconventional (some adults): There are universal moral principles that can transcend the law/majority view
What are the fondational theories of Piaget on moral reasoning development?
Stages of Piaget moral development
1- Premoral (0-~5yrs): No understanding of moral rules
2- Moral Realism (~5 to ~10 yrs): Rules come from higher authorities, actions are evaluated by their outcomes
3- Moral Subjectivism (after ~10yrs): Rules can be changed by mutual consent, intentions are important
How is moral reasoning facilitated?
Interactions with peers is often critical for development of moral reasoning (piage)
Kruger 1992: 7-10YO Girls moral reasoning with dilemma they could enage in discussion with either a peer or mother.
Peer condition showed greater gains in moral reasoning at post-test.
The degree to which the child engaged in reflective discourse (with peer or mother) correlated positively with moral reasoning at posttest
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? INFANCY
interested in looking at and touching other infants, vocalize during interaction, cry in response to other infants’ cries.
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 1-2 YEARS
Interact with other babies in friendly and inquisitive way, watch each other play, engage in pretend play, play develops from being done in parallel to being more co-ordinated
Give an example of co-operating and pretend play?
Jane (21 months) puts doll to bed. Elly (21 months) brings teddy to put him in the bed too. Both pull the cover up, watch each other smiling more integrated social pretend play
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 3 YEARS
More co-ordinated play, role taking, prefer peer to adult company
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 6 YEARS
peak in imaginative play, long play sequences
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 7 YEARS
Stable same gender preference, expectations of friends develop
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 11 YEARS
expect deeper foundations to friendship – a source of emotional support, someone to confide in, not just a play mate
What is the normal development time course of peer interaction? 13 YEARS +
emergence of cross gender relationships, further development of conception of friendship
What is parellel social pretend play?
Jane (18 months) pushes doll in toy pushchair, looks at Elly (18 months) who watches her. Elly puts her doll in a second pushchair. Both walk around room pushing their dolls
What is cooperation?
Warneken et al. 2006
Having a joint goal
Different but flexible roles
Commitments to the joint goal