PSY2004 W10 Prosocial Behaviour & Altruism (L) Flashcards
What is prosocial behvaiour?
Voluntary behaviour intended to benefit another e.g., comforting, helping, sharing, providing helpful information
What is altrusim?
Prosocial behaviour that is performed for unselfish motives
(i.e., has no benefit to oneself, even in the long run
Much research shows that children engage in more prosocial behaviours with age (Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998)
Studies nonetheless demonstrate altruism in infancy is not uncommon (Warneken, & Tomasello, 2009)
How does comforting develop?
Infants increasingly show comforitng behaviour between 1 and 2 years. By 3 years children show reasoned responsiveness to distress.
Individual differences incomforting may stem from difering affective responses to others distress.
How does sharing develop?
Infants share afflictively by 1yr and start to share resources by 2yrs.
3-year-olds are typically self-maximising but cross all cultures they tend towards fairness and disadvantageous inequity aversion by 5yrs.
Self-maximisation, advantageous inequity aversion and strong reciprocity are more culturally variable.
Non-human apes share, but in more specific contexts.
Is prosociality and altruism unique to human?
The timing of decelopments in prosociality might be crucial in explaining differences between species.
What does helping address?
instrumental needs
What does sharing address?
material needs/desire
What does comforting address?
negative emotional state
When does comforting increase?
Zahn-Waxler et al 1992
The rate with which children comfort others who are in pain or distress (rather than reacting with distress themselves) increases over the second year of life
How do individual difference affecting comforting behaviour?
Zahn-Waxler et al. 1992
Recorded the reaction to distressed adults. Heritability estimates indicate that genetic factors have a mdoest role in explaining toddler’s proscial actions adn conern. They suggest genes might infleunce neurohormonal system. This infleunces affective responses to others’ distress. Those who are not overwhelmed by the emotions they experience are more likely to feel symoathy. Those who are not inhibited are more likly to act on thier symoathetic feelings. A child may struggle to process or act on emotion thus seemingly showing no concern.
Do chimpanzees show comforting behaviours?
Chimpanzees do comfort/reassure others. But at later in development than humans (Bründl et al., 2021). Part of understanding human prosociality may be when certain abilities emerge in development as opposed to solely “if”
What types of behavior are ways infant help others?
Informing others, active assistance
How do chidlren informe other when helping?
Liszkowski et al 2008
1YO help others by pointing informatively. When an adult didn’t see where a desired object went vs when they did. Communication helps others achieve instrumental goals even without physical assistance.
How do children actively assiste?
Warneken & Tomasello (2006)
18 MTH help others in simple tasks. In these tasks, the adult feigns a need for help
18- months old might not have yet been taught helping behvaiour – discussion (disagreements)
Do chimanzees and Bonobos help?
Chimpanzees also help in similar situations where it is easy for them to infer what the person’s goal is
There are some debates over chimpanzee prosociality, with the majority view being that chimpanzees (and bonobos) do display prosocial helping (Melis, 2018)