PSY2004 W5 Prelinguistic and lexical development (L) Flashcards
What are the two components to grammar?
Syntax and morphology
What is syntax?
The branch of grammar dealing with the roganisation of words into large structures. Who did what to whom
How do you test syntactic development?
Novel words are sued to test knowlegde of syntact
What can two year olds do syntactically speaking?
They can understand the role of word order in a sentence
What is morphology?
The branch of grammar dealing ith the analysis of word structure.
The plural inflection -s in dogs
What are inflectional morphology?
Morphology that marks words like tense, person, number, possession
What is morphological productivity tasks?
This is a wug, now how many wugs are there ? - they are two wugs
What is the limitation of morphological productiivty tasks?
Exceptions: not all plurals formed by adding an S e.g. mouse-mice.
what are the stages children tend to follow a developmental trajectory ?
When they discover an inflection (before which time they make errors of omission); begin to over apply the inflection and manage to balance applyin ginflection producitviely and remmebering exeptions.
What does development trajectory of morphological producitivty reflect?
Refelcts the statistical strucutre of the input and neural networks (connectionist) models capture this sequence.
What is phonology?
the sounds e.G. ‘b’
What are semantics?
saying something about the world (e.g. saying something about dogs)
What are pragmatics?
managing communicative excahnge in relation to your audiance and context informational needs of your patner)
What are Hockett’s Design Features of langauge?
Semanticity, arbitrariness, displacement, productivity, duality of patterning, discreteness, vocal auditory channel, broadcast transmission, rapid fading, interchangeability total feedback soecialisation, traditional transtion
What is arbitrariness?
no necessary connection between the sounds used and the message being sent
What is displacement?
The ability to communicate about things that are currently not present.
What is producitivty?
The ability to create new utterances from previously existing utterances and sounds.
What is the duality of patterning?
Meaningless phonic segments (phonemes) are combined to make meaningful words, which in turn are combined again to make sentences.
What is language as a form-function relation?
Langauge forms [phonolgical/Prosodic/Lexical/Morphological/Sytactic] and Language function [Semantic/Pragmatic]
What is the lexic?
the sound of the word dog
What is prosodic?
The rising intonation of a question
What is syntactic?
the strucutred comination of words
When does phonolgocial development start?
Early comprehension.
Infant have auditory perceptual abilities that are shaped by experiences (even in the owmb during 3rd T of Pregnancy)
What can they comprehend
From birth what can infants do ?
Phonolgical development/Early comprehension
Prefer to listen to speech rather than music (sucking measure) Prefer listening to own mother’s voice rather than another woman’s. Process speech predominantly with the left side of the brain. They are able to distinguish some foreign languages from their own native language based on prosody: depending on the stress of the language, Italian being different in the stress/rhythm/melody of language than English but Dutch being the same.
When do inants demonstrate categorical perception?
From one month, infants demonstrate categorical perception of speech sounds /p/ and /b/ (Eimas et al. 1971)
What is shigh amplitude sucking procedure?
Special dummy, connected to recorder and records the amplitude of sucking, looking at boredom.