PSY2004 W5 Reading Flashcards
Chpt 10
What is part of the pragmatic system?
ABilities that enable us to communicate effectively and approrpiately in a social context compreise the pragmatic system, inclduing varity of cognitive and social skills.
Turn-taking, initiating new topics and conversations, sustaining a dialogue an repairing a faulty communication are all important aspects of the pragmatic system.
What is proto-conversations?
Interactions between adults and infants in which the adult tend to vocalise when the infants are not vocalising or after the ifnant has finsihed vocalising
What is proto imperative?
occurs when infants point to an object and the alternate their gaze between the object and the adult until they obtain the desired object
What is proto-declarative?
Occurs when infants use pointing or looking to direct an adults attention toward an object
What are mirror neuron?
a distinctive class of neurons that fire or discharge both wehn an individual executes a motor act and hwen they see another idivdual proforming an motor act
What is categorical percpetion?
Where perceptually discriminable stimuli are treated as belonging to the same category