PSY2004 W3 Ageing and Physiology (L) Flashcards
How does snesory/perceptual/motor ability change with age?
Sensorimotor and cognitive declines more strongly overlap with increasing age, but there are both common and independent factors driving declines in sensorimotor and cognitive abilities.
How do sleep and circadian arousal change with age?
SWS is important for episodic memory but is particularly less efficient in older age; circadian arousal may also impact cognitive abilities
How does physical exercise impact the psychology of ageing?
Physical exercise interventions generally improve cognitive abilities, brain plasticity, and mental and physical health across the lifespan
What does Baltes model predict?
That cultural/environmental factors would become less important to biological factors in terms of explaining age-related changes in cognition. This is an instance of dedifferentiation.
What are some sensory variable ?
vision and hearing but other factors like balance, walking, grip strength, proprioception.
What is the common cause hypothesis?
Age-related delcine in cognitive and sensorimotor function is due to deterioration of common neurological processes. Idea that a doman-general mechanism is responsible for a large amount of age-related decline in cognitive and sensorimotor functions.
Sensorimotor function could fully mediate the age-related variability in cognitive abilities.
Controlling for sensorimotor functioning (vision, hearing, balance/gait) reduces the age-intelligence relation to null
What did Lindenberger and Baltes find?
Berlin Aging Study (BASE)
Second-order factor of “intelligence” that comprised the other factors of reasoning, knowledge.
Sensorimotor function factor (vision, hearing & balance/gait) largely mediated the effects of age on intelligence.
Dedifferentiation fo cognitive and sensorimotor function in older age. = prediction form Baltes lifespan perspective (importance of processes can emerge later in life)
What is Sensory deprivation?
Negative effects of sensorimotor ability on cognitive ability indirect via increased social disengagement.
Declining sensory acuity creates communication and mobility difficulties, increasing the likelihood of social withdrawal and disengagement from intellectually stimulating activities which could have knock-on effects on cognitive ability over an extended period (years to decades)
Could the relationship between cognitive ability and sensorimotor function be bidirectional?
Yes, if cognitive resources become more limited and sensory acuity declines due to “brain aging”, this may increase the cognitive load for basic processing of sensory information.
This could increase the likelihood of social withdrawal and reduced participation in mentally stimulating activities, which limits opportunities to moderate the adverse effects of brain aging.
What is the common cause hypothesis ?
Indirect effect of age on sensorimotor and cogntive ability via a common ause. Both indirect adn direc affect of age on sensorimotor and cogntiive ability.
Longitudinal studies show more modest associations between sensorimotor and cognitive declines.
Age-related declines in cognitive and sensorimotor functioning can be attributed to both a broad common cause factor and separate domain-specific mechanisms
What is a typical human sleep profile?
Sleep phases and related activity in the brain. Typical human sleep profile: cyclic occurrence of REM sleep and on-REM sleep Non-REM sleep includes SWS.
What is WASO?
Wake after sleep onset. proprotion of the sleep duration that each age spends in respective sleep stages.
How is sleep affected by age?
Older adults sleep less and awaken more frequently during the night. Diminished slow-wave sleep (SWS) – decreases in slow-wave activity (SWA), especially over the PFC. Decreases in spindle density.
Time in REM sleep remains unchanged, but there is a decrease in phasic REM in OAs
Is there evidence of sleep’s affect on memory?
Evidence that SWS is involved in long-term memory consolidation in particular. Ss learned a visuospatial 2D object-location task while being presented with an odor.
What is SWS?
Slow wave sleep