PSY2001 SEMESTER 1 - WEEK 6 Flashcards
how do trait theory explain how personality develops
trait theories do not explain how personality develop, but only explains differences in personality
define dark triad
personality traits are maladaptive, but still within normal range of functioning (subclinical = present in broader community)
the 3 traits are on continuum
name the 3 dark triad traits
narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy
define narcissism
grandiose, yet fragile sense of self, as well as preoccupied with success, demand for admiration
what is origin of narcissism
man called Narcissus known for beauty but cold-heart demeanor, fell in love with own reflection and was obsessed. wasted away whilst gazing at own reflection
name the components of clinical narcisissm
grandiosity, entitlement, dominance, superiority but also vulnerable aspects
name the 3 components of sub-clinical narcissism
- excessively self-centred and strong sense of entitlement, preoccupation with success
- require excessive admiration, believe are special so insist on associating with only high-status people
- inflated egos have root of deeply-held feeling of inferiority = envious of others and dimish others succeeses
define machiavelliansim
personality trait that refers to “a strategy of social conduct that involves manipulating others for personal gain, often against others self-interest”
what is origin of machiavelliansim
philospher book disucssing tactics of leader to maintain power to achieve political goals. necessary for leaders to ruthless, cunning, willing to use any means to achieve and maintain their political authorities
what quote sums up machiavellianism
never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception
name traits of machiavellianism
cynical, unprincipled, believe in interpersonal manipulation as key for lifes success
name 3 components of machiavelliansim
- master manipulater with range of careful deliberate maniupation (eg; flattering) for personal gain
- unethical, counterproductive behaviour (lying, theft, sabotage)
- a cynical view of human nature, little concern of others welfare, above own
which of dark triad is not clinical
define psychopathy
drive to engage in impulsive or antisocial behaviour without empathy, anxiety, remorse
name 3 components of psychopathy
- impulsive, thrill seeking, risky behaviour and not consider consequences
- callous, lacking empathy
- lack emotional bonds, no guilt or remose
what is prevalence of psychopathy in prison population and normal population
15-20% prison
1% normal
what is most malevolent trait in dark triad
psychopathy = showing wish to do evil to others
what is genetics as an origin of dark triad evidence
behaviours present in juveniles, all 3 have a substantial genetic component
what component of dark triad is most likely to be modified by experience
machiavellianism, shared environmental component
what is evolutionary theory for dark triad
predatory subgroups of:
1. fast life strategy, emphasise mating
2. slow reproductive strategy, emphasise parenting
define light triad
qualities embodying loving and beneficial orientation toward others “everyday saints”
name 3 components of light triad
kantianism, humanism, faith in humanity
define kantianism
treating people as ends unto themselves (not mere means)
define humanism
valuing dignity and worth of each individual
define faith in humanity
believing in fundamental goodness of humans
name a method of testing narcissism
NPI (narcissistic personality inventory)
what is NPI (narcissistic personality inventory) number of items, quote
40 forced choice items
(a. i only associate with high class people
b. i don’t care about a person’s social status)
can sometimes ask explicit if a narcissist
issue of NPI
overreliance on measure of grandiose aspect
name the way for measuring machiavellian
Mach IV
outline Mach IV
20 items
“best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear”
7.point Likert scale
give issue of Mach IV
lacks agreement on how many subfactors comprise scale
research suggest ranging 3-9 different subscale
poor internal consistenvy, some research suggest removing 1/2 items
name a way of measuring psychopathy
SRP (self-report Psychopathy scale, SRP-III)
what is SRP
64 items
“I purposely tried to hit someone with car”
5.point Likert scale