Prompting Flashcards
Teaching + reinforcing behavior that doesn’t occur naturally
in the desired context
A Supplementary Stimulus used to increase the probability
Of the desired response occurring
- Antecedent
- Signals how to perform behavior or when a behavior should occur
Verbal prompts 🗣️
verbal Stimuli that help guide /evoke wanted response
- takes role of ‘instructions’
prompts = “Say please..”
Response = “cracker, please”
Gestural Prompts
Can take the form of pointing gesturing in a manner that promotes a correct response
-client ready to go outside + Can’t put on shoes independtly
->painting to shoes may help
Physical Prompts
More intrusive; physically guiding client to emit the correct respanse
1) Full physical promptng:
- physically guiding cient to do tre benar ex) teach to wave → purscent hand
together to wave
2) Partial physical prompting:
- less assistance is required to do a response
ex) clap hands- holds child’s elbow
Prompt Hierarchy
Based on intrusiveness / lvl of assistance
Verbal(lvl 1) → Gestural (lvl2)→ physical (lvl3)
Full physical prompting 👋
Physically guiding the client to do the behavior
Ex) teach to wave by putting clients hands in your hands together to wave
Partial physical prompting 👏🏼
When less assistance is required to do a response
Example) teach client to clap hands - holds child’s elbow
Model prompts
Requires RBT to model/demonstrate skill + increases likelihood the client will IMITATE the model & correct behavior
Textual Prompts
Written/printed vs spoken
Pictorial prompts
Pics/imgs that increase the probability of correct response occurring
Proximal/position prompts
⬛️. 🔵
Guide clients responding by placing correct answer closest to client
Prompt fading
Eliminating prompts while maintaining client performance
Most-to-least Fading strategy
Strategy in which a hierarchy of prompts is chosen + arranged in an order from most assistance to least assistance
-teaching a new skill with most assistance lvl (+ errorless teaching) to experience reinforcement contingency
Least-To-Most fading strategy
Least intrusive prompts to most intrusive prompts
-RBT gives client least amt of assistance to give them opportunity to respond
-progressively more assistive prompts until correct response