Generalization & Maintenance Flashcards
Generalization ⚙️⚙️
Responding in a variety of contexts
Response Generalization 🔩
The FORM of the RESPONSE varies
-includes new responses that access the same reinforcer
Example) Drinking water
-Many ways to drink water (fountain, bottle)
- can be problematic if only know one way to drink it
Stimulus Generalization 🔩🌳
The response that occurs in contexts that resemble the training context
-trained behavior occurs in new contexts than where it was taught/trained
- occurs in New Place
Example) dog salivates with sound of bell (conditioned stimulus) & then salivates with any similar tone
Example 2) child taught to say “hello” to therapist
-child greets teacher at school
-peer waves & says “hi” dif tone
- family waves but doesn’t say nothing
Situation in which the response occurs in the presence of new stimuli (are similar to training stimulus) but DO NOT share the important/relevant feature.
Example) client calls “dog” to all furry creatures
Train & hope Generalization strategy
Train + hope it generalizes (not the best method)
Sequential Modification (Generalization strategy)
Systematically addressing situations where a learned behavior fails to transfer by explicitly teaching the behavior in those new settings/contexts
Process= when generalization doesn’t occur, teaching procedure repeatedly modified in each new situation to help individual learn to apply skill broadly
Example) child taught to request toy verbally in sessions but doesn’t at:
-school w teacher
-in playground w peers
Sequential modification: therapist systematically teaches child to request toys at these new environments
Natural Contingencies (Generalization Strategy) 🥪
teaching or reinforcing behaviors in such a way that the behavior continues to occur naturally without the need for ongoing, external reinforcement. The goal is for the behavior to be maintained by the natural consequences found in the environment.
-everyday cause-and-effect relationships that occur naturally in the environment
Example) making yourself a snack - reinforcement t is automatic bc you’ll eat the snack (natural, primary reinforcer)
Multiple Exemplars (Generalization Strategy)
Exposing the learner to a variety of examples of a skill/behavior during the learning process by practicing with diverse stimuli, contexts, conditions.
-Learner more likely to apply across new/unfamiliar situations
-repetition across examples: practice occurs with dif variations ensuring skill isn’t tied to single context
Train Loosely (Generalization Strategy)
Allow training to vary (let things change across teaching sessions)
-let environment change will help embed the skill
Indiscriminable Contingencies (Generalization Strategy)
Used to encourage learned behaviors to be maintained by making the reinforcement less predictable
-learner unsure when or whether the behavior will be reinforced; encourages consistent use of behavior across dif settings/times
-uncertainty of reinforcement
-intermittent reinforcement
-delayed reinforcement
Program Common Stimuli (Generalization Strategy) 🪥🦷
involves incorporating stimuli from the natural environment where a skill is expected to be used in a teaching environment
-if BA knows environment when behavior is expected to occur, the training setting can be designed to resemble that setting (Vadis)
-example) need client to cooperate in dental checkup
Maintenance ⚙️🛢️
When a behavior continues to occur after training has ended (generalization across time)