is bacteria a prokaryotic cell?
cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell has no membrane bound organelles. it does has ribosomes but they are smaller in size as compared to the eukaryotic cells.
plasma membrane
plasma membrane is made up of lipids and
proteins which controls the movement in and out of the cell.
cell wall
the cell wall supports the cell and prevents it from changing shape. cell wall is made up of a polymer called murein. murein is a glyco - protein ( protein atttatched with a carbohydrate)
some bacteria have capsule made up of secreted slime which helps to protect bacteria by attack of cells from the immune system.
plasmids are smaller loops of dna that are not the part of the main circular dna.
role of plasmids
plasmids contains genes for antibiotic resistance and can be passed between prokaryotes.
unlike eukaryotic cells, a prokaryotic cell doesnt have a nucleus but it floats free in the cytoplasm which is called the circular dna which is not attatched to any histone proteins.
flagellum or plural flagella
its a long hair like structure that rotates to make the prokaryotic cells move.
are viruses cells?
no they are acellular.
- viruses are just nucleic acids surrounded by proteins. they arent even alive.
do viruses have cytoplasm, plasma membarane and ribosomes like bacteria?
host cells
viruses invade and reproduce inside cells of other organisms which are called host cells.
protein coat around the core of the viruses is called the capsid.
attatchment proteins
structures that comes out from the edge of the capsid which lets the viruses cling out on the suitable host cell.
binary fission
prokaryotic cells reproduce by the process of binary fission. splitting of a parent cell to two equal daughter cells.
process of binary fission
- the circular dna and the plasmids replicate. circular dna is only replicated once whereas plasmids can be replicated a number of times.
- the cell becomes bigger and dna loops move to the opposite sides.
- cytoplasm begins to divide and two daughter cells are produced, each having a copy of circular dna and variable number of copies of plasmids.
how does viruses uses host cells to replicate themelves?
- they use their attatchment proteins to bind to the complementary receptor proteins on surface of host cells.
- since they are not alive they dont undergo cell division, but they inject their dna or rna into the host cell which then uses its own machinery and complete the viruses work to replicare.