Prokaryotic Cells Flashcards
Each cell (of bacterial organisms) is its own organism? T/F
Each bacterial organism has to have enough stuff going on in the cell that it can act as its own organism? T/F
Prokaryotes are bacterial and Archaea organisms
Characteristics of Prokaryotes:
- ) no membrane bound organelles
- ) no membrane bound nucleus. (The area containing the DNA is called the “Nuclear Region”).
- ) Smaller in size when compared to Eukaryotic cells. A Prokaryote is smaller than the smallest Eukaryota
- ) consists of bacteria and Archaea
Size of Bacterial cells:
Diameter= 0.2-2 µm in diameter Length= 2-8 µm in length
The human eye can see between:
300-500 microns in length
Shapes of bacteria include:
Coccus= round
bacillus= rod
spirillia (spirochete)= spiral
Hierarchy of bacteria talk
Gram reaction (positive/negative), Shape (coccus, bacillus, spirillia), arrangement (cluster, chain, etc.)
Example of how to talk about bacteria:
Staphylococcus epidermidis= “gram positive cocci (pl) that grows in clusters”
Why do you need to discuss the arrangement of bacteria?
it explains how the bacteria divides on its own divisional plane
What is the plural of coccus?
Explain coccoid arrangements
Diplococcus, chains, clusters, tetrads
What is Diplococcus?
Diplococcus comes in pairs. It is an arrangement term in bacteria. Cocci remain in pairs after division and it’s often seen in Neisseria spp and is a super short rod
What does “chains” mean?
Chains is an arrangement of bacteria. It is end to end division and is often found in Streptococcus spp
The term “clusters” mean:
Grapelike clusters. It is often found in Staphylococcus spp
Tetrads are:
A bacteria arrangement that comes in groups of 4
Staphylo means
Bacilli arrangements:
They mostly appear as single rods.
They are Diplobacilli (pairs),
Chains (Bacillus cereus is found in chains), and
Coccobacilli (oval shaped and look like really short rods in pairs)
Spirilla arrangements include:
Vibrios -
(curved rods that kind of look like boomerangs),
Spirilla -
(helical or corkscrew shaped and rigid), and
Spirochetes -
(Helical and flexible).
Spirilla and Spirochetes look very similar but you can tell them apart by looking to see which one is rigid and which one is flexible.
Structures outside the cell wall (MUST KNOW):
- ) Glycocalyx
- ) Flagella
- ) Axial Filaments
- ) Pili or fimbriae
- ) Peptidoglycan
- ) Plasma Membrane