Prokaryotes + plants test review Flashcards
Have modified mitochondria that lack functional electron transport chains and use anaerobic pathways, such as glycolysis, to extract energy. Part of the protist supergroups.
include many living species of free-living amoebas, parasitic amoebas, and slime molds. and all have pseudopodia. are in the supergroup unikont.
plasmodial slime mold
is a plasmodium; are most common in moist, decaying organic matter and are often brightly colored.
a general term for a protist that moves and feeds by pseudopodia
cellular slime molds
most time they exist as solitary amoeboid cells. they live on organic decaying matter. Part of the amoebozoans.
in the SAR group of protists. they consist of diatoms, brown algae, and water molds (heterotrophs). and they are aquatic.
in the SAR group of protists. they consist of dinoflagellates and ciliates.
in the SAR group of posts. They consist of foraminiferans and radiolarian, also known as amoebas.
are a supergroup of protists. they are thought to have arisen from cyanobacterium that evolved into the chloroplast. they include red algae, green algae, charophytes, and land plants.
have a protective zygosporangium, where zygote produces haploid spores by meiosis. mold the foods.
the only fungi with flagellated spores, which are thought to be the earliest linage of fungi.
form a distinct form of mycorrhiza
a fungus that produces the spore sexually. also have associations called lichens
basidiomycetes or club fungi
key roles are decomposers, lignin in wood
DNA viruses
chickenpox, herpes, and hepatitis