Project Time Management Flashcards
Areas of Time Management (Schedule)
- Plan Schedule Management
- Define Activities
- Sequence Activities
- Estimate Activity Resources
- Estimate Activity Durations
- Develop Schedule
- Control Schedule
- a method for dividing and sub-dividing the preojct scope and deliverables into smaller, more manageable chunks
Rolling Wave Planning
- An iterative planning technique in which the work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail, while the work in the future is planned at a higher level
- Example: CSX Phase 1A vs. Phase 1B
Sequence Activities
- Defining the rleationships between task
Precedence Diagramming Method
- uses a diagram that shows graphical links between activities based on 4 different types of relationships:
- FS
- FF
- SS
- SF
Mandatory Dependencies
- legally or contractually required or inherent in the nature of the work
- Often involve physical limitations
- Example: foundation of a house set before construction can begin
Discretionary Dependencies
- Also referred to as preferential logic, preferred logic, or soft logic
- based on knowledge of best practicesWhen fast tracking, discretionary dependencies should be explored first
- Can create arbitrary total float values
External dependendencies
- involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities
- usually outside the project team’s control
- Example: testing of equipment is dependent upon a third party delivery of the hardware
Internal Dependencies
- generally in the project team’s control
- Amount of time a successor activity can be advanced with respect to a predecessaor activity
- Often represented as a negative value in Scheduling software
- Example: FS-10d
- Amount of time a successor activity id delayed with respect to a predecessor
- Example: FS +10d
Bottom Up Estimating
- method of estimating duration or by aggregating the estimates of the lower level components of the WBS
Analagous Estimating
- Estimating based on duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project
Parametric Estimating
- Estimating technique in which an algorithm is used to calculate cost or duration based on histrocial data and project prarameters
Three Point Estimating
- A way to estimate based on risk or level of uncertainty
- Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
- Defines an approximate range for each activity’s duration
- Three Points:
- Most Likely (tM)
- Optimistic (tO)
- Pessimistic (tP)
Expected Duration calculated from Three Point Estimating
- Two common formulas:
- Triangular Distribution: tE = (tO + tM + tP)/3
- Beta Distribution: tE = (tO = 4tM + tP)/6
Contingency Reserves
- Estimated durations within the scheduled baseline
- Allocated for accepted risks and for which mitigation responses are developed
- For “known-unknowns”
- May be a percentage of the estimated activity duration, or may be developed using qualitative analysis such as Monte Carlo Analysis
Management Reserves
- Intended to address “unknown-unknowns”
- Not included in the schedule baseline, but are part of the overall project requirements
Critical Path Method
- Used to estimate the minimu project duration, which is the longest path through the schedule
- Calculates early start, early finish, late start, and late finish without regard for resource limitations through a forward and packward pass analysis
- Usually represented by zero total float
Total Float
- Amount of time an activity can be delayed or extneded from its early start date without delaying the project delivery date
Free Float
- Amount of time an activity can be delayed or extended without delaying the early start date of any successor activity or viloating a schedule constraint
Critical Chain Method
- Allows the project team to place buffers on any project schedule path to account for uncertainties or resource limitations
- Considers the affects of resource allocations, resource optimization, resource leveling
- Resource constrained critical path
Project Buffer
- Critical Chain buffer placed at the end of the critical chain
Activity Buffer
- Critical Chain buffer placed on an individual activity
Resource Levelling
- A technique in which start and finish dates are adjusted based on resource sontraints or limitations
- Critical path can be affected
- Would use this if you have flexibility on dates, but not on resource assignments
Resource Smoothing
- Adjusts the activities of a schedule so resources do not exceed predefined limits
- Critical path is NOT changed, and end date is not affected
- Schedule is only adjusted within total and free float
What-if Analysis
- evaluating scenarios to predict their effect
- outcomes can beused to plan contingencies, etc
- Calculating multiple project durations with different sets of assumptions
- Most common simulation is Monte-Carlo analysis
- Shortens the schedule duration
- Adding resources to acitivites to complete them sooner
- Think “crashing a party” - adding more people
Fast Tracking
- Schedule compression technique
- Compresses schedule by moving sequential activities to occur in parallel
Trend Analysis
- Examines project performance over time to determine if performance is improving or deteriorating
- a method for dividing and sub-dividing the preojct scope and deliverables into smaller, more manageable chunks
- An iterative planning technique in which the work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail, while the work in the future is planned at a higher level
- Example: CSX Phase 1A vs. Phase 1B
Rolling Wave Planning
- Defining the rleationships between task
Sequence Activities
- uses a diagram that shows graphical links between activities based on 4 different types of relationships:
- FS
- FF
- SS
- SF
Precedence Diagramming Method
- legally or contractually required or inherent in the nature of the work
- Often involve physical limitations
- Example: foundation of a house set before construction can begin
Mandatory Dependencies
- Also referred to as preferential logic, preferred logic, or soft logic
- based on knowledge of best practicesWhen fast tracking, discretionary dependencies should be explored first
- Can create arbitrary total float values
Discretionary Dependencies
- involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities
- usually outside the project team’s control
- Example: testing of equipment is dependent upon a third party delivery of the hardware
External dependendencies
- generally in the project team’s control
Internal Dependencies
- Amount of time a successor activity can be advanced with respect to a predecessaor activity
- Often represented as a negative value in Scheduling software
- Example: FS-10d
- Amount of time a successor activity id delayed with respect to a predecessor
- Example: FS +10d
- method of estimating duration or by aggregating the estimates of the lower level components of the WBS
Bottom Up Estimating
- Estimating based on duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project
Analagous Estimating
- Estimating technique in which an algorithm is used to calculate cost or duration based on histrocial data and project prarameters
Parametric Estimating
- A way to estimate based on risk or level of uncertainty
- Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
- Defines an approximate range for each activity’s duration
- Three Points:
- Most Likely (tM)
- Optimistic (tO)
- Pessimistic (tP)
Three Point Estimating
- Two common formulas:
- Triangular Distribution: tE = (tO + tM + tP)/3
- Beta Distribution: tE = (tO = 4tM + tP)/6
Expected Duration calculated from Three Point Estimating
- Estimated durations within the scheduled baseline
- Allocated for accepted risks and for which mitigation responses are developed
- For “known-unknowns”
- May be a percentage of the estimated activity duration, or may be developed using qualitative analysis such as Monte Carlo Analysis
Contingency Reserves
- Intended to address “unknown-unknowns”
- Not included in the schedule baseline, but are part of the overall project requirements
Management Reserves
- Used to estimate the minimu project duration, which is the longest path through the schedule
- Calculates early start, early finish, late start, and late finish without regard for resource limitations through a forward and packward pass analysis
- Usually represented by zero total float
Critical Path Method
- Amount of time an activity can be delayed or extneded from its early start date without delaying the project delivery date
Total Float
- Amount of time an activity can be delayed or extended without delaying the early start date of any successor activity or viloating a schedule constraint
Free Float
- Allows the project team to place buffers on any project schedule path to account for uncertainties or resource limitations
- Considers the affects of resource allocations, resource optimization, resource leveling
- Resource constrained critical path
Critical Chain Method
- Critical Chain buffer placed at the end of the critical chain
Project Buffer
- Critical Chain buffer placed on an individual activity
Activity Buffer
- A technique in which start and finish dates are adjusted based on resource sontraints or limitations
- Critical path can be affected
- Would use this if you have flexibility on dates, but not on resource assignments
Resource Levelling
- Adjusts the activities of a schedule so resources do not exceed predefined limits
- Critical path is NOT changed, and end date is not affected
- Schedule is only adjusted within total and free float
Resource Smoothing
- evaluating scenarios to predict their effect
- outcomes can beused to plan contingencies, etc
What-if Analysis
- Calculating multiple project durations with different sets of assumptions
- Most common simulation is Monte-Carlo analysis
- Shortens the schedule duration
- Adding resources to acitivites to complete them sooner
- Think “crashing a party” - adding more people
- Schedule compression technique
- Compresses schedule by moving sequential activities to occur in parallel
Fast Tracking
- Examines project performance over time to determine if performance is improving or deteriorating
Trend Analysis