Progress 1960-62 Flashcards
What happened on the 1st Febuary 1960?
Four black students from college sat in a white section of a lunch counter until it closed
Who were the 4 students in the forst Greensboro sit in?
Izell Blair
Franklin McCain
Joseph McNeil
David Richmond
What did the 4 students do before the start of the sit in?
Shopped in the Greensboro Woolworth’s department store
What happened on the 2nd Febuary?
What was different about the 1st of Febuary?
About 25 students arrived and sat in shifs at the lunch counter
Press got hold of the story and it spread
By the 4th Febuary how mnay students were woeking in shifts?
What effect did this have?
300 of all genders and race
It also spread to other segregated counters
What was the progression of the news coverage?
2nd Febuary - local news
Within weeks it was on national news
What effect did the story geing in national news have?
Encouraged thousands of people to take part
Which orgnaistations were asked to come?
To train people in non-violent protests
What gear did the Greensboro sit in happen?
When was SNCC set up?
April 1960 in a meeting with Ella Baker (from SCLC)
What did SNCC stand for?
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
What was SNCC’s aim?
Ising non-violent protests to campaign for Civil Rights
They also provided support groups to train people to cope with the harrasmant and hostility
What did Non-violemce do?
Demonstrate peacefuly and visably
Do not rise to provication
Show your opponent as a violent oppressor
What was the significance of the Greensboro sit in?
It showed how easy it was to start a protest
Some white sutherners joined CORE and SNCC
Lots of people showed that this was supported by the public
It was open to the press
Lots of white people took part showing their support
It shows the importance of getting on the national news
By mid April how many protesters where ther in the Greensboro sit in?
About 50,000
In Montgomery when ddi the actuall bus facilities get desegregated?
December 1960
What happened in 1961?
Some CORE activists decided to ride buses from the north to the deep south to test if desegregation was happening
When did the freedom riders start their journey?
4th May 1961
Where did the freedom rides start there journey?
Washington DC (on 2 buses)
How did the governer of Georgia respond to the freedom riders?
What did this lead to?
He urged his state to stay carm
This mean that the freedom riders got through Georgia with only 2 arrests and little violence
Who was Alabama’s governer during the freedom riders?
John Patterson
What did Northern press accuse the freedom riders of doing?
Intentialy looking for trouble (which was true)
At what date did the first bus reach where in Alabama?
15th May
What happened in Anniston?
100 KKK members surrounded the bus, slashed its tires and smashed the bus windows
But the bus drove away
Where was the first bus attacked?
Anniston Alabama
What happened outside Anniston?
The slashed tires burst and someone through a firebimb through the window and held the doors shut
A white policeman inside the bus forced the doors open and they all escaped but into a crowd which beat them up
What did the ACMHR stand for?
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Writes
Who was the leader of the ACMHR during the freedom riders atatck?
Fred Shuttlesworth
What did the ACMHR’s leader do in responce to the freedom riders attack?
He arranged for cars to drive them to the Birmingham airport
What happened when the second bus?
They were pulled of the bus and beaten up. The bus then drove ot Birmingham where they were beaten up again?
Who was the chief of police in Birmingham during the freedom riders?
What did he do?
“Bull” Connor - rold the police not to stop KKK members
What eventualy happened to the freedom riders on the second bus?
Theu were put on cars (organised by Fred Shuttlesworth)
What did SNCC do after the freedom riders?
Recruited their own freedom riders as they didn’t want to let the WCC and KKK win
When did the second lot of freedom riders set of?
(SNCC’s freedom riders)
17th May 1961
What was the route of SNCC’s freedom riders?
Nashville, Tennessee to Birmingham (no driver would take them past this point)
What happened to the second lot freedom riders?
They were stuck in the bus station at Birmingham because no driver would take them any further
Then the federal government forced John Patterson to get them safley to Montgomery - on the 20th May the police escorted them to Montgomery
When did the second lot of freedom riders leave Birmingham?
20th May 1961
What was the reaction to the Freedom riders being in Montgomery?
KKK and WCC beat up riders
A policman fired his gun into the air to bring back order
KKK and WCC roamed Montgomery attacking black people and even setting a boy on fire
The police then arrested the riders for starting a riot
Over the summer how many freedom rides happened?
Over 60
During the freedom rides how many people went to Jackson’s segregated jails?
Over 300
What did the freedom riders achieve?
On the 1st November the federal government said that they would enforce desegregation if the states didn’t obay
When did East Carolina University take in it’s forst black students?
What had preciosly happened to James Meredith?
He was rejected to the Mississippi university in 1961
What was the Mississippi university sometimes called?
Ole Miss
When was the James Meredith Case?
Who applied and was rejected by the Mississippi university in 1961
James Meredith
Who challenged Merediths rejection the the Mississippi university?
What did the Supreme Court say about the James Meredith case?
It ordered the university to accept him
Who was the Mississippi governer in 1962?
Ross Barnet
How did the Mississipi governer respond to the supreme courts ruling?
He phycicly stopped Meredith from regestering for the University
What was Barnet part of?
What happened on the 30th Spetember 1962?
Meredith returned to regester with about 500 federal agents - they were attaxked by an armed mob of 3,000 armed men
Bricks and other missiles thrown, guns fired
What did the president do to intervine in the Meredith situation?
He made a speach to calm down which was largly ignored
He sent in federal troops to stop the rioting
What was the local police’s actions to help Meredith?
Did nothing to stop the armed mob
Describe the casualties in the riots around Meredith?
2 civilians died
Between 245-375 civilians injured
Over 160 federal marshals were badly injured
28 were shot
When did Meredith regester for Ole Miss?
1st October
What was a feacher of Merediths time at university?
He was guarded by troops the whole year it took his to graduate
What was the earliest attempt of desegregation in schools?
Febuary 1956
Lucy - was followed by mobs and eventualy banned from the school for causing riots
When did the university of Alabama become desegregated?