Peaceful Protests And Their Impact 1963-65 Flashcards
What did the c in Campaign C stand for?
When did Campaign C start to end segregation in Birmingham?
2nd April 1963
Whom started Campaign C to end segregation in Birmingham?
What was Birminghams nickname?
Bombingham - die to regular bombing
Why was Campaign C focused on Birmingham?
It was completly segregated
It was nicknames Bombingham
“Bull” Donnor was thought to be easily provoked into violence
What did Campaign C include?
Sit ins, mass meetings, peaceful protests, boycotts of shops
Who inspired hundreds of people to be included in Campaign C?
Fred Shuttlesworth of the ACMHR and MLK
What did James Bevel do?
Most adults who had protested were now in jail
So he trained young black people to demonstrate
What happened on the 2nd of May?
6,000 young black americans marched (some as young as six years old) - over 900 people of all ages were arrested
Who trained young black americans to protest?
James Bevel
Whatw as the short term significance of the Campaign in Birmingham?
A desegregated timetable agreed for Birmingham
Black homes and churches were bombed
First significanct riots rose against white violence
Kennedy ordered federal troops into Alabama
Over 1,000 black students expelled for missing schoold (through protests and being in jail or hospital)
What were the longer term affects of Birmingham?
Federal government feared widespread riots
There were protests in other US cities
1 month later 143 cities had desegregation
Many black people thought desegregation was too slow
Some people disaproved of the tactics used (young children)
It brough civil roghts into the public eye again
Government produced better civil rights bills
Why may have the Campaign in Birmingham lost support for civil rights?
Or America
The use of children in a protets that was liley to turn violent (part of the reason they shose Birmingham was bcause it was lilkly to become violent
It provided good propaganda for the USSR to critisize the “free land”
What happened on the 3rd of May 1963?
More young people marched
“Bull” Donnor ordered dogs to be used and fire hoses as the jails were full
Who was Walter Gadsden?
Young man black man
Not taking part in the Birmingham campaign
He was atatcked by a dog and pictures of it circulated the world
What did Civil Rights protesters learn from the Campaign in Birmingham?
By getting attacked they gained public support
What did opponents of Civil Rights learn from the Campaign in Birmingham?
Of they were violent it didn’t help their cause and the situation would esculate
What year did the March on Washington happen?
Why was the march chosen to be in Washington?
White house and congress was there
How many people took part in the March on Washington?
40,000 white
Why did the March on Washington turn violent?
Although people thought it would be
It wasn’t
What did the March in Washinton start with?
A prayer and the national anthem of america
How did the March on Washingotn end?
It ended with speaches from the civil right leader
King spoke last and made the I have a dream speach
What was the significance of the March in Washington?
It showed support for Civil Rights due to it’s size
It was broadcased on live tv
Kings speach gained support and made his look like the leader of Civil Rights
Black and white people protested together
There were also famous people there shwing support
Who was famous and was at the March on Washington?
Bob Dylan
When the Freedom Summer?
Between 1962 and 1964 how many Black Americans in the South regestered to vote?
Describe the trend in the number of Black Americans regestered to vote in the deep south?
Didn’t increase much
Who set up “freedom summer”?
Where was freedom summer set up?
How many local campaigners went to Mississippi?
Why may the freedom summer haopen in the year it happened in?
It was an election year
What type of people were chosen to help in the freedom summer?
Middle class white people
Any violence would be bigger news
What did the volenteers in the Freedom Summer do?
Freedom Schools - to educate
Voter regestrstion classes to help people pass the tests so that theu coukd regester to vote
What did the Mississipians see the freedom summer?
An invasion
How many KKK members were ther in Mississippi?
10,000 KKK members
Before the invasion how many crosses did the KKK burn?
During the freedom summer how mnay black churches and homes were burned?
37 black churches
30 black homes
In the freedom summer how many people tried to regester to vote?
How many succeded?
17,000 people tried to vote
1, 600 people suceeded
Who was michael Schwerner?
A CORE field worker
Who was Andrew Goodman?
A white volunteer
Who was James Chaney?
A black CORE worker
What happened on the 31st June?
Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney were arrested whilst driving to Schwerner’s home. After being released they were murdered by the KKK.
What happened on the 23rd of June?
CORE and SNCC members found a car (a burnt out wreck) with 8 dead black men (three were CORE members)
When were the bodies of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner?
4th August 1964
What did the Mississippi murders show?
Black men could be murdered and people wouldn’t even realise they were missing
Where was Selma?
Dallas or Alabama
What was special about Selma?
It had more black people who would vote an white people
But only 1% were enabled to vote
Selma had the largest WCC in Alabama
Who local groups invite to Selma?
When did King and SCLC arive in Selma?
January 1965
What was LBJ’s opinion on black rights?
When there were protests in Selma spoke in favor of the protests
LBJ wanted to pass a vating writes bill
How many protesters died in Selma?
What happened on Sunday 7th March 1965?
600 marched from Selma to Montgomery.
They were stopped outside Edmund Pettus Bridge
What happened on a certian bridge?
What was the bridge called?
Edmund Pettus Bridge
Police fired tear gas and attacked protesters with clubs, electric cattle prods
This became known as Bloody Sunday
What was the reaction in congress to Bloody Sunday?
Both houses condemned the attack and spoke in support of the voting writes act?
How did LBJ respond to “bloody Sunday”?
He used an execuative order to federalise the state guard who escored the protesters from Selma to Montgomery on the 21-24 of March
What put pressure on congress to pass laws to protect Black Americans?
Kennedy’s assasonation
More and bigger protests
When was the civil rights act?
July 1964
When was the voting rights act?
August 1965
What did the Civil Rights act do?
Banned discrimination in: voter regestration tests public spaces in busnesses with branches in over 1 state
Set up the Equal opportunities to enforce banning of Job descrimination
Gave the government power to force schools to desegregate
Gave the government the right to stop federal funding from state projects that discriminated
What was a downside of the Equal Opportunities Commision?
It could only investigate things that were reported to them - many people were scared to make reports
They were understafed and reports stated to pile up
What did the voter rights act do?
There would be a central voter regestration test (set by the government)
Federal officers could run voter eegestration in any states - and in sll states where under 50% of people eligable to vote couldn’t regester
What did the Civil rights act not include?
Housing Work Education Medical care Treatment by police
By the end of 1965 how mnay voters had been enrolled?
Under 80,000
What could presidents to do support civil rights?
Speak in favor of it
Federalise state troops to help Black American
Employ black americans
What did JFK do to support Civil Rights?
Appointed black people to high level jobs
Pressed for Civil Right Laws
Sent troops to Ole Miss (federalised troops)
Spoke in favor of Civil Rights
Which black people did JFK give jobs to?
Thurgood Marshall - in the courts
Robert Weaver - in his administration
What did LBJ do for Civil Rights?
Gave black Americans high level jobs Pressed for Laws (Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts) Intervened with execuative orderes Spoke in favor of Civil Rights Invited MLK to sign the Civil Rights Act
Which Black Americans did LBJ give jobs to?
Promoted Thurgood Marshall into the Supreme Court
Patricia Harris - US ambassador
When was JFK assasonated?
22nd November 1963