Black Americans In The Early 1950s Flashcards
What is segregation?
Seperating groups of people usulay by race or religion
What is discrimination?
Treating people differently because fo their race or religion…
What was an ghetto?
The poorest parst of the town. Usualy had a high black population
Why did many black people live in ghettos?
Theu didn:t have a good educaton or a good job and therefore had a low income
Describe a ghetto?
Low income area
Prodomantly black population
Non maintained well and had poor facilities
Normally had a shortage of supplies
What were the racist laws called in the south?
Jim Crow laws
What did Jim Crow laws do?
Encorced segregation
Give exampels of segreagation in the south?
Busses (black people had to sit in the back.
There would be white only toilets ect
What was normaly a reccuring theme through all of the “black” schools, toilets ect?
Low quality
Low funded
Not maintained
Newrly always worse than the white one
What were federal laws?
Laws that governmed the whole country
What were state laws?
Laws which only effected the individual state
What where white children brought up to believe?
That black people were inferior to them
That black people were lazy and uninteligent
Hwo were black sympathises treated?
As badley as black people
What was the police and law enforcment full of?
White racists
KKK members
How were black people treated by police?
Theu were regualy beaten up untill they confesed to crimes that they didn’t commit
Imprisoned for no reason/ given really harsh sentences
Pften presented in court with White Layers who wouldn’ deffend the client (as they were black)
Theu couldn’t be on a jury
What would happen to someone who killed a black person?
Probaly nothing
If a black person killed another black person then the crime would be really unlikly to make it past a report stage
What does the KKK stand for?
Ku Klux Klan
What could the KKK do?
Persecuted people who wern’t white
Theu burnt crosses in front of housed
Blew up homes and murdered people
How did WW2 help the civil rights cause?
Made people see black people as more able
It started the Cold War where the USSR would always point out the racial inequality in the “free world” -it was an enmarisment for the government- (so they would be more likely to make it better)
In 1954 how mnay southern towns had black policemen?
In 1956 how mnay black americans were registed to vote?
What about before the war?
3% before WW2
Hwo were black people prevented from voting?
- White employers threatened to sack black voters who voted
- On voting/ regestering days white ganges hanged outside voting places and beat up black american’s for trying to vote
- Black people (who went to court to deffend their right to vote) were often beaten up or murdered
- States set their own rules for voting - some states made it harder for black people to vote eg by giving them a harder reading test
How did education help the Civil Roghts movement?
Better education of black americans lead to some people seeing them as more equal
How did migration help the Civil Roghts movement?
Poor black people moved north (for a better life)
Liberal whites moved south (to get away from the Black Americans)
(Made the difference more noticable - more people agnoleged change was needed)
How did the frowth of southern cities help the Civil Roghts movement?
More jobs for black people
How did the Cold War help the Civil Rights movement?
Made the government sensitive about how they would be seen in the world
How did Television help the Civil Rights movement?
Made the horrors of what was happening to more apparent
How did WW2 help the Civil Rights movement?
Some whites saw blacks as more able, having worked with them
Black Americans pushed for intergration after seeing it abroad
When was NAACP set up?
What did NAACP stand for?
National Association of the Advancment of Colored People