A purposeful system or plan put together to help an individual achieve a specific goal.
Program Design
What are the five phases of the OPT model?
- Stabilization Endurance
- Strength Endurance
- Hypertrophy
- Maximal Strength
- Power
Important components that specify how each exercise is to be performed.
Acute Variables
One complete movement of a single exercise.
Repetition (Rep)
What range of repetitions are used for the three training adaptations of Power, Strength and Stabilization?
Power 1-10
Strength 1-12
Stabilization 12-25
A group of consecutive repetitions.
How many repetitions are required for Power adaptation?
1-10 repetitions at 30-45% of the one repetition maximum or approximately 10% of body weight.
How many repetitions are required for maximal strength adaptation?
1-5 repetitions at 85 - 100% of the one repetition maximum.
How many repetitions are required for the hypertrophy adaptation?
8-12 repetitions at 70 - 85% of the one repetition maximum.
How many repetitions are required for the stabilization adaptation?
12 - 25 repetitions at 50 - 70% of the one repetition maximum.
How many sets are required for the training adaptations of Power, Strength and Stabilization?
Power 3-6
Strength 2-6
Stabilization 1-3
An individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage.
Training Intensity
What intensity range is used for the power adaptation?
30 - 45% of 1 repetition Maximum or Approx. 10% of body weight.
What intensity range is used for the Strength adaptation?
85 - 100% of 1 repetition maximum.
What intensity range is used for the Stabilization adaptation?
50 - 70% of 1 repetition maximum.
The speed at which each repetition is performed.
Repetition Tempo
_____ to ____ seconds will allow approximately 50% of ATP/CP recovery.
20 to 30
_____ seconds will allow approximately 75% recovery of ATP and CP.
_____ seconds will allow approximately 80 - 90% of ATP and CP recovery.
_____ seconds will allow approximately 80 - 90% of ATP and CP recovery.
_____ seconds will allow approximately 80 - 90% of ATP and CP recovery.
Training Volume
The number of training sessions performed during a specified period (usually 1 week)
Training Frequency
The timeframe of a workout (including warm-up and cool-down) or the length of time spent in one phase of training.
Training Duration
The process of choosing appropriate exercises for a client’s program.
Exercise Selection
The specific outline, created by a fitness professional to meet a client’s goals that details the form of training, length of time, future changes and specific exercises to be performed.
Training Plan
Generalized training plan that spans 1 year to show when the client will progress between phases.
- Gastronemius Stretch
- Standing poses Stretch
- Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
- Standing Adductor Stretch
- Latissimus Dorsi Ball Stretch
- Static Pectoral Ball Stretch
- Upper Trapezius/Scalene Stretch.
What is the specific adaptation, phase and method of progression for the stabilization period of training?
Adaptation: Endurance and Stability Phase: 1 Progression: Proprioception(Controlled Instability)
What is the specific adaptation, phase and method of progression for the strength period of training?
Adaptation; Strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength. Phase: 2,3 and 4 Progression: Volume, load
What is the specific adaptation , phase and method of progression for the power period of training?
Adaptation: Power Phase: 5 Progression: Speed and Load
What phases would a client go through for the goal of body fat reduction and how often per week.
Phases 1 and 2. 3 times a week. Alternating phases every month.
What phases would a client go through for the goal of increasing lean body mass and how often per week?
Phases 1,2 and 3. 3 to 4 times a week.
What phases would a client go through for the goal of improving general performance and how often per week?
Phases 1,2 and 5.
3 days per week.