Program Assess Select Flashcards
Program weeks
- wk 1- balance/ core
- wk 2- health assess (flex, body comp, aerobic)
- wk 3- muscular
- wk 4- skill related assess
Calculate MHR
Calculate THR
208- (.7 x age)
HRR {MHR - RHR} X %intensity {50, 70, 90} -RHR
Systolic BP Diastolic BP Normal Prehyp Hyp 1 + 2
S- Pressure created by heart as it pumps blood into circulation
D- pressure on artery walls between beats
-N - 160/ >100
- sinus bradycardia (slow hr)- 100
- avg- 60-70males, 72-80females
crossover point, VT1
intensity where blood lactate begins to accumulate
ventilation increase, carb burn produces more blood lactate
- lactate build faster than body can buffer
- highest level of sustainable activity
ventilatory threshold test
HR at which breathing becomes uncomfortable-challenging but not difficult
- have cue cards or memorized 30-50 word paragraph
- workload increase- .5mph, 1% grade, or 15-20 watts
- increase steady HR at each stage by 5bpm
- test workload at 120bpm or 3-4 out of 10 effort. go for 1-2 minutes, last 20-30 seconds, recite paragraph and assess.
balance tests
core tests
stork stand balance test
sharpened romberg test
trunk flexor endurance test
trunk lateral endurance test (side plank)
trunk extensor test
basic assess
modified body squat
front plank
overhead reach (lying)
Cardio ACE IFT Model
phase 1- aerobic-base training
phase 2- aerobic efficiency training
phase 3- anaerobic endurance training
phase 4- anaerobic power training
cardio training zones
zone 1- relatively easy, talk comfortably- below VT1
zone 2- unsure if talk comfortably- VT1-below VT2
zone 3- cannot talk comfortably- above VT2
phase 1 aerobic training
- primary goal of improving health, 1-6weeks
- focus on steady state exercise
- progress to phase 2 when client can sustain 20-30min in zone 1
phase 2 aerobic efficiency training
- primary focus increase time of cardio exercise
- increase workload at VT1, introduce low intervals
- progress by decreasing work: rest ratio (1:3 - 1:1)
- load increased no more than 10% / wk
- many clients will stay in zone 2
- if event specific or fitness enthusiast, progress to phase 3
phase 3 anaerobic- endurance training
- focus is client with performance endurance goals, 7+ hrs cardio/ wk
- majority time still in zone 1, very focused interval training
- only very specific goals for increasing short speeds at max effort (competition) will progress to phase 4
phase 4 anaerobic- power training
- improve anaerobic power to improve energy pathways and lactate buffering, improve short max effort
- only work in zone 4 for specific training cycles
- very intense anaerobic power intervals
ACE IFT functional movement and resistance training phases
1: stability and mobility training
2: movement training
3: load training
4: performance training
phase 1: stability and mobility training: progression
- hip width stance/ narrow stance
- staggered stance/ split-stance
- tandem stance
- single leg stance
phase 2: movement training
- bend and lift
- single-leg
- pushing
- pulling
- rotational (spiral)
program for beginners (mvmnt no load)
F- 2-3 days/ wk I- no external loads R- 12-20 reps (mvmnt training) S- 2-3 sets T- 5 basic movement patterns (squat, lunge, push, pull, rotational
program for beginners (mvmnt w/ load)
F- 2-3 days/ wk I- 60-70% max load (12-16 reps) R- 12-16 reps, increase wt 5% once 16 hit S- start with single set program T- begin with machines
muscular strength definition
measure of max force produced by one or more muscle groups, typically a 1RM
phase 3: load training (muscular str)
F- 72 hr recovery I- 70-90% 1RM R- 4-8, 5% wt increase S- 1-4 (3-4min rest recovery) T- base str mvmnts
phase 4: performance training
power= force X velocity
ACE IFT Model session progression
1st sess: health risk appraisal, HR, BP, HT, WT
2nd: Medical clearance if necessary, Static posture
1st or 2nd: Flexibility, Mvmnt screens
Week 1/ 2: balance, flexibility, aerobic cap, body comp
stability components
proximal stability: lumbar spine: isolated activation of core musculature
prox stab: scapulothoracic/ glenohumeral joint: promote stability within respective regions
mobility components
proximal mobility: pelvis/ thoracic: mobilize pelvis/ thoracic spine in all three planes without loss lumbar stabilization
prox mob: glenohumeral joint: prmote stability once thoracic stability restored
distal: promote distal mobility
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
stretching join through range of motion to tension, hold 10 seconds, isometric contraction agonist 6 secs, followed by 10-30 second assisted or passive stretch