Prog check chapter 2/3 Flashcards
Standard Callouts & their Purpose?
There are 4 purposes of standard callouts. They are to provide and share information relating to: AS IF!
- Altitude, position or speed
- Significant deviation in flight path, speed or descent rates
- Information to aid in judgement for making a landing or a missed approach
- Flight and navigation instruments and autopilot system status
Standard callouts also serve the objective of:
- To confirm information on altitude, position, speed and system status which does not require crew action
- To enhance crew coordination, common recognition and fail safe functions
- “10,000ft” To notify the PF of 250kts below 10,000ft
- “5,000ft” To notify the PF that the maximum speed is now 300kts and the maximum rate of descent is 2,500 ft/m
The standard significant deviations on approach are:
- G/S: More than one dot
- LOC: More than 1/2 dot (more than 1 dot on the expanded scale)
- More than 1/3 dot on normal scale (1/2 a dot on the expanded scale) after the “APPROACHING MINIMUM” callout CAT11/111
- Sink rate: More than 1,000 ft./min below 1,000ft AGL
- Airspeed: Above 10kts or less than 5kts from bug target speed below 1,000ft AGL with landing flap
- AOM 3-1 (10) / AOR 2-1-9 (1)”
PF duties?
- The PF will take charge mainly to control airplane and monitor the flight conditions
- General Duties: TFAN
- Taxiing
- Flight path & Airspeed control
- Airplane Configuration
- Navigation
PM Duties?
- The PM will take charge of mainly other than airplane control, monitor the flight conditions and PF’s operations, and make callouts and advice when necessary
- General Duties: CCTM
- Checklist Reading
- Communications
- Tasked asked by the PF
- Monitoring Taxiing, Flight path, Airspeed, Airplane configuration, and Navigation
When do the ILS standard callouts start? & what are they?
- Glideslope Alive
- LLZ Capture
- Glideslope Capture
- Outer Marker or ___DME, ____ (feet)
- Land 3/2 No Autoland
- One Thousand
- Five Hundred
- _____ In Sight
- Approaching Minimum
- Minimum
- Flare/No Flare, Idle/No Idle, Rollout/No Rollout
Deviation Callouts?
- Procedure Airway (XTK error FM LNAV 1xRNP or more)
- VOR: Degree or DOT LEFT/RIGHT (More than 5’ or 1 DOT)
- VNAV: GLIDE PATH (-50ft / -100ft)
- AFTER 1,000ft AFE
- BANK (Exceeds 30’)
- AIRSPEED or VREF +/- kt (ABV 10 or BLW 5 KIAS)
- SINK RATE or ____ft per min (Exceeds 1000fpm)
- LLZ or DOT LEFT/RIGHT (More than 1/2 DOT, 1 DOT EXP SCALE)
- After “Approaching Minimums” on CAT II/III App (More than 1/3 DOT, 2/3 DOT EXP SCALE)
- GS or DOT ABV/BLW (More than 1 DOT)
- If Altitude exceeds 50ft FM MDA
10,000ft, 500ft, 100ft Referenced to what?
- 10,000ft Altimeter
- 500ft AFE
- 100ft RA
If a Callout is missed by the PM should the PF take it up?
- Yes anytime a callout is omitted the other crew member should take it up
- 3-1-(7)
When must the PF put his thumb near the autopilot disengage button?
- Below 1,000ft AFE
- 3-1-(12)
If Autoland is not planned when must the autopilot be disconnected on approach?
- Immediately after descending BLW DA or when commencing descent from MDA
- 3-1-(13)
If EICAS alert/status message is displayed after Block out prior to the beginning of takeoff what should be done?
- After completing the NNC refer to the EICAS msg X Ref list to make a decision
- 3-1-(13)
Who handles the thrust levers during takeoff and until when?
- The captain handles the thrust levers after take off thrust is set until the LDG gear lever is moved up
SCAN Pattern on Approach using DA/DH?
- PF Includes outside view in scan pattern after “____ in sight” or “Approaching Minimum is called by PM
- PM Calls out “____ In sight” or “Approaching Minimum” and, after verifying PF’s response, concentrates on scanning/monitoring of the flight and navigation instruments, etc and calls out if any abnormality is observed.
SCAN Pattern on Approach using MDA?
- PF Includes outside view in scan pattern after “____in sight” is called by PM
- PM Calls out “_____ in sight” and, after verifying PF’s response, concentrates on scanning/ monitoring of the flight and navigation instruments, etc, and calls out if any abnormality is observed
SCAN Pattern on Approach using AH (CAT III Approach)
- PF Includes outside view in scan pattern after touchdown
- PM Intent on scanning/ monitoring of the flight and navigation instruments, etc, and calls out if any abnormality is observed
What is the purpose of Normal Checklists?
- To achieve safe and efficient airplane operations
- Checklists are used to check, verify and grasp the situation of important aspects of normal procedures performed by memory for each phase of flight
- 3-2-(1)
Items to be checked in Originating flight?
- Log and documents
- Flight deck access system
- Emergency equipment
- Gear pins
- Side panel
- Circuit breakers
- Emergency evac and cabin interphone
- Oxy mask microphone check
Maintenance Status Verification?
- Prior to flight, maintenance status should be checked with Journey & Radio Log etc
Fast Alignment of IRS?
- Only domestic flight except first flight of the day
Use of ignition switch to 1 or 2?
- 1 for odd flight number & 2 for even
Oxygen pressure? Portable oxygen pressure?
- PAX 850psi other than URMQI
- URMQ 1250psi
- Non-ETOPS- 850psi
- ETOPS 2 occupants 850psi
- 3- 1200psi
- 4- 1500psi
- Portable Oxygen Cylinder- @ or ABV 1750psi
When to check Brake temperature checklist?
- Brake temp @ or ABV 1 unit
RVSM transponder selection?
- 1- If C/L-autopilot in use
- 2- If R-autopilot in use
What are the two messages that may appear during engine start that are not malfunctions?
- ENGINE STARTER (Caused by start valve opening slowly)
- L,R ENG BLEED OFF (Not a malfunction if momentary)
When can the cabin attendants be informed to remove there oxygen masks? When can flight crew?
- CABIN @ or BLW 13,000ft
- FLIGHT CREW @ or BLW 10,000ft
- 2-1-(2)
When smoke, fire or fumes exist in the cabin do you turn on the PAX OXY switch?
- No, do not turn on the PAX OX as long as cabin altitude does not exceed 13,000ft
- Oxygen system supplies oxygen mixed with cabin air, when there is smoke/fumes it will also be inhaled
- Also in fire conditions oxygen increases the hazard of combustion
- 2-1-(2)
Tripped Circuit Breakers?
- Do not reset any tripped fuel pump circuit breaker or fuel pump control circuit breaker
- In flight, flight crew reset of any other tripped circuit breaker is not recommended
- However these other circuit breakers may be reset once after a cooling period of 2 minutes if it is judged that the situation resulting form the circuit breaker trip has a significant adverse affect on safety
What is pattern altitude?
- Used in non-normal checklists it is assumed to be an altitude between the start of final approach and 1,500ft AFE
When should an Emergency Landing at the nearest suitable Airport be considered?
- When smoke, fire or fumes are present in the cabin and they cannot be positively determined to be eliminated or extinguished
- When trouble occurs in the altimeter, and a correct altitude is not confirmed surely with related procedures or a standby altimeter etc. (In this case contact ATC immediately and follow instruction)
- One main hydraulic system remaining
- One main AC power source remaining
- Other situation where significant adverse effects on safety may be possible if flight is continued.
- “Plan to land at nearest suitable airport” is contained in the non-normal checklist.
- Engine failure or Engine fire
- 2-1-(4)
When should an Immediate Landing be considered?
- If smoke, fire or fumes become uncontrollable. the flight crew should consider an immediate landing
- Immediate landing implies immediate diversion to a runway
- However in a severe situation, an off-airport landing or ditching should be considered as well
- 2-1-(4)
How many Unannunciated Checklists are there and what does it mean?
- 31 Unannunciated Checklists
- EICAS messages are not displayed
- 2-1-(5)
Why are some checklists printed in large font?
- Checklists which may have to be performed in poor visibility (for example while donning smoke goggles) are printed in large font
What are Confirmed Actions?
- Items which the PF and PM must verbally confirm before the action is taken
- Thrust lever
- Fuel control switch
- Engine or APU fire switch and cargo fire arm switch
- Generator drive disconnect switch
During a CARGO FIRE on a freighter what altitude should be maintained and why?
- 25,000ft This is the highest altitude for unpressurised flight
- Also the fire can be extinguished easier as there is less concentration of oxygen
- 2-1-(23)
What does the AFDS command when autopilot is initially turned on with no F/D’s on?
- Bank < 5: V/S and HDG HOLD
- Bank > 5 but < 30
- Maintains bank, V/S & ATT display
- Bank > 30
- Bank is returned to 30, V/S & ATT display
RNAV approach when to set RNP value and what is it?
- 0.3 set prior to FAF
- 4-2-4-(8)
In an RNP approach what are the values that need to be verified and set?
- Initial/Intermediate Approach: 1nm
- Final Approach Segment: 0.3nm
- Missed Approach Segment: 1nm (Can be omitted if RNP value is not manually entered)
- 4-2-4-(8)
For an instrument approach using VNAV what MDA is set if there is no DA?
- Use MDA+50 as DA for straight in approaches where DA is not applicable
- 4-2-4-(8)
What GP angle needs to be verified and when on an approach using VNAV?
- Between 2.75 and 3.77 must be displayed on the Final approach segment on the legs page
- 4-2-4-(8)
When do you set DA on a RNAV or RNP approach?
- Approx 4nm prior to FAF or equivalent fix and after ALT HLD or VNAV PTH is annunciated
- Set to closest 100ft increment below the constraint
When do you set missed approach altitude in an RNAV or RNP approach?
- Prior to reaching DA when airplane is at least 100ft below MAP altitude
During a one engine taxi which engine should be shut down and how long should it run at idle before hand?
- Left should be shutdown
- Allow to run for about 3 min
Is Take-off permitted with frost?
- Yes but only 3mm in thickness on the lower wing surfaces due to cold fuel is permissible
- Thin Hoar frost is also acceptable on the upper part surface of the fuselage, however it must not adhere to the cockpit window and forward fuselage
- 4-3-1-(1)
What is the engine run up time and when should it be accomplished in icing conditions?
- When engine anti Ice required and OAT is 3’ or BLW
- Run up to a minimum of 60% N1 for approximately 30 seconds at intervals not exceeding 30 minutes
- 4-3-1-(3)
How is fan Ice removal accomplished in flight?
- Increase thrust on one engine at a time to 70% N1 for 10 to 30 seconds every ten minutes
- 4-3-1-(7)
What must be done different after LDG in icing conditions?
- Do not retract Flaps to less than 20 until the flap areas have been checked to be free from contaminates
- If ENG anti ice is needed perform ENG run up as needed if temp BLW 3’
Severe Turbulence?
- Delay Flap extension as long as possible
- Seat belts ON
- ENG start SEL CONT
- 290 KIAS/0.78M whichever is lower
- Check chapter 8-6 for turbulence N1 penetration SPD
- Use ALT HLD for LVL flight and VS (for CLB DES)
- Use CWS if installed
- A/T will be disengaged
- BLW 15,000ft the A/C can be slowed to 250KIAS if BLW the MLW
When must FD (APP mode) or AP (APP mode) be used?
- RVR of less than 1,200m is conducted
If on CAT I, II approach and the ground station is lost what is the indication?
- A/P caution activated
- LOC and/or G/S display on EADI changes to mode fail display
- LOC and/or G/S deviation pointers disappear
Can you do a CAT II, III approach with one engine?
- Both engines must be operating for cat II/III approaches
What is some of the mandatory equipment for a CAT II approach?
- Both engines operate normally
- LAND 2/3 is displayed
- 2 or 3 IRS’s operate normally in NAV mode
- Autopilots in the channel of operative ILS’s are operative
- 3 Hydraulic systems
- 2 Elec sources (APU can be one)
What is some of the mandatory equipment of a CAT III approach?
- Both engines operate normally
- LAND 3 is displayed
- All IRS’s operate normally in NAV mode
- 3 Hydraulic systems
- 2 Elec sources (APU can be one)
Driftdown altitude and speed?
- M0.80/310KIAS & 20,000ft
When to call out 1000ft to LVL off in a descent?
- Precision Approach: Before Glideslope intercept
- Non Precision Approach: Before initiating final descent, PM & PF should discuss
- Info 403
What is the MAX bank in a MAP?
- 30 degrees
PF & PM task assignment in Non-normal?
- PF Works on the future flight plan
- PM Takes charge of all operations except for those directly related to vertical/lateral navigation
- AOR-2-1-5-(1)
What is the Glide path angle for a CAT I approach?
- 2.5 - 3.25’
- AOR 2-1-15-(2)