JCAB ATPL Flashcards
Flight Plan & Nav Log Statement?
“In accordance with Article 73-2 of Aviation Law & Article 164-14 of Aviation Regulations, I will now carry out the Preflight Confirmation”
Weight & Balance Statement?
“I will use ANA B767-300ER Domestic weight & balance form for flight ANA8256, registration JA616A from Narita to Naha”
Final Statement?
“I will confirm maintenance status, fuel and lubricant quality & quantity, and cargo loading status ship-side. I do not find any problem to dispatch this aircraft and I am ready to submit this flight plan. In conclusion, my pre-flight confirmation and preparation is complete”
Explain TD, TS, STS & T
- TD: Tropical Deppression, less than 34kts
- TS: Tropical Storm ABV 34kts less than 47kts
- STS: Severe Tropical Storm ABV 48kts less than 64kts
- T Typhoon ABV 64 kts (Same as hurricane)
- All international codes, Japan considers Typhooon at greater then 34kts
Typhoon path and Size categories?
- Moves along the edge of the Ogasawara High pressure
- Rotates around pacific high to the right
- Typhoons move toward locations with large drops in pressure
- Typhoons tend to move toward fronts of precipitation
- Typhoon: less than 500km
- Large Typhoon: 500km-800km
- Super Typhoon: 800km or more
Explain the Air Masses and the seasons they accompany?
- Pushes out toward the sea of Japan in WINTER (DEC-FEB)
- (Seiko-Toutei) High in the West, Low in the East, typical pressure pattern
- West side Mountains- Snow clouds CB CU
- East Side- Dry & Cold NW wind, Sunny days, frosty nights
- HAZARDS- Snow, Ice, Cold WX ops
YOSUKU AIR MASS (Warm & dry)
- Moves FM china making good WX over Japan
- Nihonkai Low brings strong southerlies & cyclones develop to the north
- First Storm of the season marking the end of winter/ start of Spring is called the “Haru-Ichiban”
- HAZARDS- Strong SW X Wind, Bumpy conditions
OKHOTSK HIGH (Cool & Moist)
- Appears in RAINY SEASON (Bai-U) (MAY-JUN)
- Starts in south OGASAWARA HIGH brings warm air northward FM the pacific which mixes with the cold Air FM the OHOTSK HIGH in the North
- The air masses linger to produce several weeks of Heavy Rainfall
- Eventually the OGASAWARA High pushes the Bai U Front Northward and the Bai u season ends
- HAZARDS- Heavy Rain, Thick Fog in North
- Hot moist air streams flow FM the SE to the NW
- Airmass thunderstorms form and dissipate quick, Orographic TS & Sea fog also develop
EQUATORIAL AIR MASS (Warm & High Moisture)
- Shurin / Akisame front (Autumn rain)
- Classified Typhoon in Japan >34kts
- Develop over Sea then dissipate quickly over land
- HAZARDS- Right side has more wind as the side which it is moving is the strongest
FALL- (SEP-NOV), Continental & Oceanic High pressure areas tend to balance over Japan giving fine, steady weather patterns. After the Polar front moves south Cold air from the Siberian High controls the weather.
What is a Doppler Lidar?
- Light Detection & Ranging
- Detects low level windshear or microburst by computing the velocity of Aerosol
- Operated at Narita, Tokyo & Kansai
Step Climb Procedure?
- CRZ PG Enter Step CLB Altitude in STEP TO (Default is CRZ ALT + 2000ft)
- Verify Fuel savings & fuel at destination & determine if a higher CRZ ALT is more effective
- If Fuel savings are affected by step CLB, initiate CLB at the time NOW is displayed on STEP POINT line
- AOM 4-2-11-(22)
Optimum Altitude?
What is Taxi fuel and where can it be found?
- Taxi fuel is normally 10 minutes however is different for each Airport, it can be found in the FPDM for each Airport
- Fuel flow is 47 lb/min
- APU fuel burn is indicated in taxi fuel as it’s burn is minor (4 lb/min)
- 8-2-5
What is the Alternate speed schedule normally?
- At or ABV 11,000ft = LRC
- At or BLW 10,000ft = 250KIAS
Climb speed?
- 250/290/.78
Max Angle CLB?
- VREF+80 / .77
High Speed CLB?
- 250/350/.83
Cruise SPD ECON?
- Normally CI 73
- 290/.78
Descent SPD?
- .78/290/250
Captains dutys, Prior to flight?
Moderate Weather Will Cause Safety Quams, Read the Flight plan Carefully) or Jump
- Mental and physical fitness of all crew (ANA)
- Weather & NOTAMS
- Weight and balance
- Condition of aircraft and equipment
- Safety of loading
- Quantity and quality of fuel and lubricants
- Required documents
- Flight plan
- Crew briefing (ANA)
- Jumpseat Brief (ANA)
Captains Duty’s In-Flight?
- Revise Company clearance if required
- Adhere to rules and procedures
- Direct and supervise all crew
- Comply with OM regarding assisting other aircraft in distress
- Normally manipulate controls from the left seat
A-lternate N-o D-ice if R-educed C-onditions)
Captains Duty’s Post Flight?
Submit Documents Company Needs
- Submit any required reports
- Direct crew and pax for CIQ if required
- Conduct crew de-briefing
- Notify maintenance if required
Captain’s Responsibility’s?
- Full responsibilities during flight;
- Flight = Departure time to Arrival time
- From all doors closed for departure to any door open for disembarkation, the Captain may take measures to restrain a person if necessary
(Full Responsibility to Direct May Not Ensure People Will Respond)
- Full and final responsibility for safety of flight
- Responsibility of all POB and cargo
- Direct and supervise all crew
- May delegate duties
- Not leave for rest unless Dep Captain relieves
- Ensure a pilot qualifies for airport in seat for T/O or LDG
- Present on flight deck for T/O and LDG
- When leaving flight deck, brief and handover
- Retain flight logbook and Gen Dec
Destination Alternate Requirements?
- 1 x alternate required in principle
- 2 x alternates required if DEST weather forecast intermittently < LDG minima at ETA
- Unless ALTN weather CIG > 1500ft and VIS > 5000m at ETA, then only require 1 ALTN
Inflight: Destination
- If DEST weather forecast < LDG minima at ETA, Require additional ALTN to continue towards DEST
- If additional ALTN can’t be selected & weather not forecast to improve at DEST, must change DEST
- Not applicable if Able to HOLD until weather forecast to improve at DEST or:
- The ALTN weather at ETA indicates CIG > 1500ft and VIS > 5000m or
- The aircraft diverts to the ALTN
Inflight - Alternate
- If ALTN weather forecast < ALTN minima, select a new ALTN or don’t continue to DEST unless:
- Flight time < 6 hours and for at least 1 hour before and after ETA CIG > 2000ft or DH/MDH + 1500ft and VIS > 5000m or** **RVR/VIS + or 3200m
- If neither options available - must change DEST (if ALTN can’t be selected without change to destination due fuel)
Inflight: Destination + Alternate
- If both DEST and ALTN below company minima, select new DEST with new ALTN
Inflight: Other
- If DEST closed temporarily, may continue taking consideration weather and fuel remaining until reopened
- If safety may be interferred with, destinaton shall be changed
- When safety of flight will be inteferred with by CBs, turbulence or NAV facilities, change route
What is Field Limit Weight and Field length limit?
Field limit weight:
- The least limit of Accelerate Stop, Accelerate Go, Two eng T/O dist
- Maximum weight the Aircraft may take off from the selected field taking into consideration, temperature, RWY condition and altitude
Field Length Limit:
- Maximum takeoff weight for runway available
- The field length limit comprises several different events
- As in the case of the Climb Limit, ambient conditions must be taken into account
- In addition to temperature and pressure altitude, wind and runway slope must also be considered
What is Climb limit weight?
- The climb limit is the maximum weight at a particular altitude and temperature, at which the aircraft can meet the climb gradient requirements for takeoff (First, second, third and fourth)
What is the Takeoff/ Landing distance, 280,000lbs?
- Take-off (F5, D2, 25oC, 0ft) 5,900ft
- 8-4-2-(213)
- Landing (F30, Dry, with anti-skid) 4,900ft
- 8-4-2-(203)
- Optimum altitude (ECON cruise) 37,300ft/FL370
- Maximum altitude 1.3G = 41,100ft, 1.5G = 37,900ft, ISA + 10 = 42,300ft, So FL410
What is the aerodynamic advantage of optimum altitude?
- Optimum altitude gives best fuel mileage for a given airspeed and weight
- Max altitude is the altitude at which planned cruising airspeed is obtainable with thrust at MCRT with 0fpm residual climb capacity
- So optimum is best efficient level for burn off fuel and gives some margins for turbulence & TCAS RA
Why not fly at MAX Altitude?
- Can’t do TCAS climb
- No buffet margin
- Less fuel efficient
What’s the difference between fog and mist?
- Fog = less than 1km (FG)
- Mist = 1km-5km (BR- Baby Rain)
What is ECON SPD today?
- LRC compensating for wind
- M.805 for today’s weight
- ECON .805
- LRC .800
- MRC .79
Can you change PCF?
- Yes at PIC discretion you can change PCF
- eg. to increase the ACL (Allowable cabin load)
What does changing your thrust rating do to your VMCG?
- VMCG increases with higher thrust due to the rudder deflection required for the higher thrust setting
- Hence why MAX thrust increases RWY length
What is Critical DME?
- DME which the loss of would create a DME gap
What Flight plans are there?
- Short plan
- Long plan
- ETOPS plan
- Tanker plan
- Re-clear plan
- OEI plan
Who issues EDCT?
- The dispatcher
- EDCT will only be printed when EDCT would be issued until CFP is made by dispatcher
- Otherwise the area for memo
What is OEW?
- ANA basic empty weight plus satndard operational items