Policy and concepts?
Policy = Fly first / Assure safe and reliable operations / Achieve Efficient and effective operations / Promote standard and uniform operations
Concept = Task sharing / Crew co-ordination / Crew communication (keep it simple and easy to understand) / Monitor and crosscheck / Workload management / Discipline
B767 Touch Down zone?
750’ to 2000’ (227m to 610m); midway between first 2 TDZ markings to 3rd set ofTDZ markings
B767 Aiming Point?
1250’ (378m); just before aiming point markings
When is a G/A required?
When a safe landing is supposedly impossible, PM to call “GO AROUND”
Final judgement is at PIC (Captain) discretion, even if GO AROUND call made by PM
If airspeed is the reason for GA decision, guideline is if the average IAS is not continuously in the range of VREF to VREF+20 at the threshold, then G/A
3 types of takeoff’s?
Normal T/O – brakes on, set 70% N1, release brakes, N1; effective method formaintaining directional control, especially on slippery runway
Rolling T/O – thrust to 70% N1, N1, with no brakes applied; recommended for strongcrosswind (>20kts) and tailwind (>10kts) to prevent engine surging; shortens T/O time but increase T/O distance by approx. 150’; makes directional control more difficult
Static T/O – brakes on, set 70% N1, N1 thrust reached, release brakes; less TODR and good directional control; in slippery conditions, a/c may slip and move even with full brakes on, increases chance of FOD, very noisy, pax discomfort
Climb performance gradients?
1st segment = positive climb / lift off to GEAR UP
2nd segment = 2.4% / GEAR UP to level off altitude (minimum 400’ AFE) / most limiting
3rd segment = 1.2% / acceleration level segment for flap retraction
4th segment = 1.2% / final speed climb at MCT to at least 1500’ AFE
Landing performance?
Approach Climb = 2.1% / critical engine inop, gear UP, approach flaps, G/A thrust on remaining engine and speed not greater than 1.4 Vs1g
Landing Climb = 3.2% / all engines operating, gear DOWN, LDG flaps, speed not less than 1.23 Vs1g
Weight Limit by Tire Speed Limit and Brake Energy Limit?
For C2B2, limits not required to be checked unless CDL and MEL are applied as theselimits will not become restrictive under most stringent conditions
For C2B6, required to check the limits when flight plans are made as follows and when CDL’s and MEL’s apply – when airport pressure ALT at or below 2000’, TOW at or above 310.0 (T/W > 5kts) etc; when airport pressure ALT above 2000’, TOW at or above 280.0 (T/W > 5kts) etc
Brake energy limit more restrictive than tire speed limit
Speed Planning?
ECON climb – most economical weight based on TOW and CI 73 = 250/290/0.78
Max Angle climb – max climb gradient, use VREF30+80/0.77
Max Rate climb – reach cruise AT in minimum time, use FL UP man speed +50
High speed climb – used to shorten Block time, use 250/350/0.83
ECON cruise – most economical and functional speed based on CI 73 = 290/0.78
LRC – minimizes BOF, 99% of max range fuel mileage obtained
High speed cruise – used to shorten block time; use 350/0.83
ECON descent – most economical based on CI 73, uses 0.78/290/250
WX requirement for flight to be conducted?
DEP wx must be at or above T/O minima
DEST wx must be at or above LDG minima
ALTN wx must be at or above ALTN minima
Planning minima for T/O ALTN =
CAT II/III approach available – RVR/VIS CAT II/IIIminima; CAT I approach available – RVR/VIS CAT I minima;
NPA available – MDH CIG rounded up to nearest 100’, VIS for NPA;
CIRC available – MDH CIG rounded up to nearest 100’, VIS for circling
Planning minima for DEST ALTN =
CAT II/III approach available – CAT I minima;
CAT I approach available - MDH CIG rounded up to nearest 100’, VIS for NPA;
NPA available – MDH CIG rounded up to nearest 100’ +200’, VIS for NPA + 1000m;
CIRC available – MDH CIG rounded up to nearest 100’, VIS for circling
Alternate requirements?
Preflight – IFR require 1 ALTN; if DEST weather forecast intermittently below LDG minima at ETA, require 2 ALTN unless 1 of the ALTN weather CIG greater than 1500’ and VIS greater than 5000m at ETA (then only require 1 ALTN)
Inflight – if DEST weather forecast less than LDG minima at ETA, need additional ALTN to continue towards DEST or if wx not forecast to improve at DEST and additional ALTN can’t be selected, must change DEST. These don’t apply if able to HOLD until wx forecast to improve at DEST or the ALTN wx at ETA indicates CIG greater than 1500’ and VIS greater than 5000m or the a/c diverts to the ALTN
Inflight – if ALTN weather forecast less than ALTN minima, select a new ALTN; don’t continue to DEST unless CIG greater than 2000’ or 1500’ added to DH/MDH and VIS greater than 5000m or 3200m added to min RVR/vis and flight to dest less than 6 hours; if neither of these options available the DEST to be changed, if ALTN can’t be selected without change to destination
Inflight – if both DEST and ALTN below company minima, select new DEST with new ALTN
Inflight – if DEST closed temporarily, may continue if no interference with safety of flight; change route if CB’s or turbulence or NAV facilities impact flight
T/O Alternate?
If DEP wx less than LDG minima (with RVR at least 200m) or unable to return due curfew, require a T/O alternate. To be within 1 hour, 1 eng inop cruise speed (424nm); if destination within this distance then T/O ALTN not required. If the CIG reported below LDG minima but another a/c has landed, can assume it will be above minima; reported RVR/vis must still be above the LDG minima. The T/O ALTN weather must be at or above the ALTN minima specified in route manual
Minimum weather requirements?
T/O with T/O ALTN selected = SSP/LVP in use, HIRL and CL in use, 200/200/200RVR, CIG 0’;
SSP/LVP not in use, VIS 400m, CIG 0’
T/O without T/O ALTN = LDG minima (RVR must be >200m) LDG minima = NPA, CAT I , CAT II, CAT III; CMV not less than 800m
ALTN minima = Precision Approach – 600’/3200m; NPA – 800’/3200m
RNAV Route specifications and requirements?
M, Y, Z on charts; R or Z on the flight plan Fukuoka FIR – RNAV 1 (SID/STAR/ENR), RNAV 5 (SID/STAR/ENROUTE) RNAV 10 (OCEANIC), RNAV 2 (SID/STAR/ENR) Equipment RNAV 1/2 = FMS + DME + IRS + GPS Equipment RNAV 5 = FMS + DME + IRS + GPS + VOR Equipment RNAV 10 = FMS + 2 IRS + GPS
Approach Ban?
May not continue the approach past a specified point if weather reported to be below LDG minima. Points are FAF, OM, 1000’ – specified in Route manual for each approach. The captain may commence an approach regardless of the weather but must notcontinue past the point unless weather reported to be above the landing companyminima
Crosswind limitations?
Does Approach Ban apply to crosswind exceedence? No, it applies to limits in operations manual regarding 500’ point
Converted Meteorological Visibility?
Can be used for CAT I and NPA straight in only. Not to be used for T/O, ALTN, Circling, CAT II/III. It is a value = to RVR. Take visibility and apply factor to get the RVR/CMV value. Lowest limit CMV = 800m. CMV shown for visibilities greater than 1600m
Seat Belt Policy?
Critical Phase – Departure = Block out to 5 mins after T/O; Arrival = 10 mins before LDG to Block in.
Flight crew to keep SB on at all times. Shoulder harness on for T/O, LDG, when ordered by captain.
Seat belt sign to be on during taxi, T/O, LDG, Turbulence anticipated or encountered, whenever captain deems necessary
RVSM equipment?
FL290-410; 1000’ separation instead of 2000’Level off within 150’, don’t overshoot >300’Equipment = 2 x primary altimeters, 2 x ADC, 1 x ALT hold function of A/P, 1 x ALT alerting function (EICAS), 1 x SSR altitude reporting transponder Mode CAltimeter – Capt and F/O to be within 40’ on ground; both to be within 75’ ofelevation; both to be within 200’ of each other in the air
Critical DME?
If becomes unserviceable, results in navigation becoming insufficient for DME/DME/IRU based operations (RNAV 1/2)If U/S, the max DME gap is 14nm and if this is the case, RNAV 1 and 2 operations N/A
RNAV primary navigation sensors?
Captain’s duties?
Prior to flight – check mental and physical fitness of all crew; check NOTAMS,weather, weight and balance; safety of loading; quantity and quality of fuel and oil; condition of a/c and equipment; required documents; flight plan; crew briefing; inform jump seat occupants; hand carry items present; safety instructions given to pax by CAIn-flight – adhere to rules and procedures; normally manipulate controls from the left seat; direct and supervise all crew; revise Company clearance if required; comply with OM regarding assisting other a/c in distressPost flight – submit any required reports; direct crew and pax for CIQ if required; conduct crew de-briefing; notify maintenance if required
Captain’s responsibilities?
Full and final responsibility for safety of flight; responsibility of all POB and cargo;direct and supervise all crew; may delegate duties; not leave for rest unless Dep Captain relieves; ensure a pilot qualifies for airport in seat for T/O or LDG; on flight deck for T/O and LDG; if leaving fight deck, do handover; keep flight logbook and Gen Dec
Captain reports?
OM 8 specifies for Captain reports to company or Air Safety report required by law
Captain Authority?
Full responsibilities during flight; flight = Departure time to Arrival timeFrom all doors closed for departure to any door open for disembarkation, the Captainmay take measures to restrain a person if necessary
Emergency during flight:
The Captain shall take every means necessary to secure PAX safetyIn the event of danger or danger is imminent, Captain must order PAX to evacuate
Trans-Authority Gradient:
The relative power relationship between crewmembers in the cockpit; not too steep agradient is most effective, where the Captain still has command and leads theoperation and F/O not too overridden or too commanding
Areas of Responsibility:
PF – MCP, Alternate stab trim, parking brake, speed brake,PM – overhead panel, stab trim cut out, FCS, fire switches, CANCEL/RECALL switchesOther items are based on position convenience and accessibility
Use of the Warning Letter:
A measure for Cat 1 (violent behavior, damaging a/c, hijack) and Cat 3 (smokingother that in lavatory, shouting and making loud noise) to tell PAX behavior is unacceptable; not mandatory to issue if it is considered to worsen the situation; CA can verbally warn after getting Captain’s permissionIf do use letter, must advise ground crew and submit an air safety report
Documents in pouch on the wall:
Airworthiness Certificate, Registration Certificate, Designation for Operating Limitations, Radio Station Licence, Emergency Documents, AOCIf the seal is broken, captain to check each document is present and report to maintenance; a/c may depart is all documents present; if any document is missing,report to flight operations support and do not depart; if any are damaged or missing,report to ground personnel and operations
Fuel policy: definitions and calculations:
OM Chapter 3
Departure (Block Out)– a/c first moves from specified position for T/OArrival (Block In) – a/c comes to a specified position at the end of flightFlight – total operation from Departure to Arrival
Optimum Altitude:
Optimum gives the best fuel mileage for a given cruising altitude and weightMinimises BOFInitial Cruise ALT chart (optimum) allows for 1.3G and 300fpm ROC
MAX Altitude:
Max altitude based on MCLT/MCRT limit or Buffet Margin 1.3G (smooth or lightturbulence) or 1.5G (moderate or severe turbulence)Max cruise ALT capability with thrust at MCRT (0fpm climb rate)Max ALT where ROC 300fpm available climb rate available with MCLTFMC default based on 25% MAC, if FWD of this (10%) then max ALT will be lowerthan chart valueInitial Cruise ALT chart (maximum) allows for 1.3G and 300fpm ROC
Communication Failure:
Route Manual Basic – Flight RulesListening watch; if receiving ATC instruction, follow them; follow RM procedures; usethe phrase TRANSMITTING BLIND; use HF if available; SQ 7600If VMC – remain VMC and land at nearest suitableIf IFR and above is not practicable or in IMC – ROUTE = proceed on cleared route tolast point over destination; if RV’s, proceed to fix instructed as last point of RV or nearest fix towards destination on planned route/last assigned route. ALT and SPEED = last assigned or MEA (higher of) until 7 mins (RADAR) following time reached that altitude or set SQ7600 (later of); 20 mins (not RADAR) following failure to report at compulsory reporting point. APPROACH = commence descent from last point over destination without delay if clearance was received, or at EAT, or ETA last reported to ATC, or when total EET from T/O reached for destination. HOLDING = if received instructions to hold before failure, commence descent for approach after holding until EAT, or EFCT, or EET from T/O reached for destination
Where is SAR facility located in Japan and SAR phases:
RMB – Search and Rescue; Haneda AirportUncertainty phase, Alert phase, Distress phase
What is windshear:
A change in wind speed and/or direction in a short distance resulting in a tearing orshearing effect; sometimes accompanies turbulenceIndicated by TS, virga, PWS, WSASIndication of W/S encounter – WSAS or unacceptable flight path deviationsUnacceptable flight path deviations are conditions in excess of the following below1000’AGL – 15kts, 5 degrees pitch, 500fpm, 1 dot G/S, unusual thrust lever positionfor a significant period of time
OM 3-1-16Stabilised with LDG checklist completed by passing 1000’ AFE (500’ for circling approach)A/C considered stablilised when attitude and position are correct, IAS and sink rate are within limits, thrust is appropriateIf a/c is not stable by 1000’/500’ or becomes unstable below those heights, must G/AIf ATC restriction prevents a/c being stable by 1000’, establish stable approach ASAPCircling approach, wings to be level by 300’AFE and no excessive maneuvering for correction required
Indicate conditions requiring crew awareness for dispatch (MEL items)Page number indicated below the list if additional messages exist; select STATUSagain to display the next pageStatus Cue on secondary EICAS indicates new STATUS message exists; removed whenSTATUS page displayed
Holding Speeds JAPAN:
NAVAIDS: 0-6000’ = 210kts, >6000-14000’ =220kts, >14000’ =240kts; VB 280/0.80MOther (DME fix, WPT, intersection): 0-6000’ = 200kts, >6000-14000’ = 230kts (maybe restricted to 210kts on chart), >14000’ = 265ktsPANS new criteria: 0-14000 = 230kts, >14000’-20,000’ = 240kts; VB 280/0.80M;>20,000’-34,000’ = 265kts; VB 0.83M
Integrated AIP:
AIP – Aeronautical Information PublicationAIP Amendments – new info of a lasting characterAIP Supplements – temporary changes to AIP (3 months or longer); yellow pagesNOTAM – essential conditions/changes to flight operations; facility service,procedure, hazardAIC – Aeronautical Information Circular; relates to flight safety, air nav etc but doesn’tqualify for NOTAM or inclusion in AIPChecklists – of NOTAMS, latest AIP Amendments, AIP Supplements and AICSummaries – effective NOTAMS affecting Fukuoka FIR distributed on 1st day of everymonth
Initial T/O pitch both normal and single engine:
Normal Techniques; ManeuversNormal T/O = Rotation is 3° /second to 19° pitch attitude (280.0T, TO2)Single Engine T/O = Rotation is slightly less at 1.5-2.5° / second to 12.5° pitchattitudeWith a T/W this pitch would slightly reduceNormal G/A pitch = 15°, then level off FL 5 = 4.5° / 63% N1Single engine G/A = 2.5°, then level off FL 1 = 6° / 80% N1
Time of Useful Consciousness:
40,000’ = 15 seconds; 35,000’ = 45 seconds; 30,000’ = 1 minute; 25,000’ 3 minutes;20,000’ = 30 minutes
CG movement during flight to Narita:
CG moves rearward (CG increases)
Working limit and Operational limit of CG:
The CG must be within the working limits (13-33% MAC – those depicted on the W&Bmanifest); these limits ensure CG does not exceed the certified operational CG limits (7-37%MAC) taking into account PAX movement, PAX seating, usage and loading of fuel, fuel density and configuration changes
Recognising a fuel leak:
Comparing Totalizer and Calculated fuel values will determineN/N checklist will instruct to shut down the engine after determining whether leak isfrom the strut or engine areaEngine shutdown will close spar valve which will prevent fuel loss and reduce firepotential
Volcanic ash - how to identify and what to do about it:
Identify – smoke/ash in the cockpit in cabin, electrical smoke, St Elmo’s fire, brightorange glow at engine inlet, multiple engine malfunctions, shadows cast by landing lights, false cargo fire warnings , FWD equipment OVHT or SMOKEExit ASAP via 180 degree turn, oxygen masks, EAI and WAI on, close thrust levers, APU on, consider A/L with low vis
NPA straight-in, circling, CAT I Visual requirements at MDA:
T/H; RWY markings – T/H markings, designators, TDZ markings; ALS/RAI; RL; T/Hlighting or REIL; TDZL, VGSIDon’t descend below 100’AFE using only ALS/RAI unless see red terminatingbarrettes, red side row barrettes or other visual reference
CAT II Visual requirements at MDA:
ALS crossbar; RWTHL; TDZL barrette and3 consecutive ALS (crossbar, red terminating or red side row barrettes); RL/CL; TDZLDon’t descend below 100’AFE using only ALS/RAI unless see red terminatingbarrettes, red side row barrettes or other visual reference
SCAN PATTERN during approach:
AOM 3-1-14
Changing of assigned seating after boarding:
AOR 4-2-1
Fuel required:
BOF + CON + ALTN + RES = minimum required by lawAbove + TAXI = minimum required by CompanyAbove + PCF + EXTRA as requiredAfter FOB signed for, may use part of EXTRA, TAXI or PCF for APU – amount of FOBmust be at least the Company minimum required at Block-out timeIf waiting at the holding point, may use PCF, EXTRA and TAXI fuel; must not use CONfuel on the ground
Company Group Safety Actions:
Strictly adhere to rules an regulations, all actions grounded on safetySafety is the number 1 priority, keeping your health in mindAddress any questions and sincerely accept others opinionsAccurately report any information and share in a timely mannerContinuous self improvement for prevention and avoiding re-occurrenceLearn from experience and increase skills for risk awareness