Processes of glacial deposition - Lodgement of glacial debris Flashcards
Where does lodgement occur?
Lodgement is a process that can occur anywhere beneath glacier ice.
Describe the process of lodgement?
It involves rock debris that is being transported subglacially becoming ‘lodged’ or stuck in the glacier bed when the friction between rock debris and the bed becomes greater than the drag produced by the ice moving over it.
When is lodgement more pronounced?
Lodgement is more pronounced where the load is high and erosive power is less.
Lodgement is associated with glaciers that are in what?
Lodgement is associated with glaciers in recession, but can also occur during glacial expansion.
Why are lodgement tills highly compact?
Lodgement tills are highly compact due to the weight of the overlying ice when they were deposited; these directly overlie rock surfaces.