Problems in Spayed/Neutered Animals Flashcards
What are 2 diagnostic tests that could easily diagnose ovarian remnants?
- vaginal cytology
- serum LH or AMH levels
T/F: when removing ovarian remnants, you should always submit for histopath
what diagnostic tests can help you determine whether a dog is castrated or a cryptorchid?
- LH or AMH levels
- ultrasound (look for inguinal or abdominal testis)
In cats, look and see if they have spines on their penis indicating that testosterone is present
What is the transmission for brucella canis?
semen, mucosal secretions, and/or abortive secretions
why does brucella canis cause abortion?
T/F: brucellosis is non-treatable for breeding stock and reportable in most states.
T/F: carriers of brucella canis are asymptomatic
what 2 tests can provide absolute confirmation of brucellosis?
- culture
what test is a good screening test for brucellosis?
slide test (D-TEC CB from Synbiotics)
What test for brucellosis can rule out false positives?
AGID – brucella agar gel immunodiffusion II test
T/F: Dogs positive for smooth strains of brucella were found to be less likely to be spayed or neutered
false – MORE likely to be spayed/neutered.
what is the incidence of prostatic neoplasia in dogs?
equal frequency in castrated and intact male dogs.
what are the 2 types of prostatic neoplasias that are highly aggressive and metastatic in male dogs?
transitional cell carcinoma
these are treated with palliative therapy.
what is the cause of puppy vaginitis?
the body is reacting to its own normal flora in the pre-pubertal period.
what happens if we do NOT treat puppy vaginitis with simple, benign neglect?
we create resistance!
r/o concurrent cystitis and then treat with benign neglect to avoid creating resistant infections.
T/F: it is appropriate to spay a puppy prior to resolution of puppy vaginitis because the infection will resolve once hormone-influence is removed.
false – postpone the spay until the vaginitis resolves because estrogen upregulates the immune system.
T/F: puppy vaginitis usually goes away with the first estrus
T/F: adult-onset vaginitis is primarily seen in intact bitches
false – spayed bitches
what do you need to rule out in suspected cases of adult-onset vaginitis?
- skin disease (perivulvar dermatitis)
- anatomic issues (inverted juvenile vulva)
- urinary tract infections
- foreign bodies
- tumors
what are the treatment options for adult-onset vaginitis?
- hormonal – DES (incurin/estriol) to thicken vaginal epithelium
- surgery (episioplasty) indicated in cases refractory to medical tx
- probiotics in all cases
If a dog presents to you for “abnormal” vaginal bleeding according to the owners, what 2 diagnostics should you do first and why?
- vaginal cytology (FIRST) – to look for estrogenic influence
- digital exam (SECOND)
+/- vaginoscopy
T/F: research has shown that the age of sterilization makes no difference in relation to affecting urethral diameter in cats
T/F: the risk of developing mammary neoplasia far outweighs the risk of feline upper urinary tract disease or diabetes mellitus in cats
there is increased risk of FLUTD and DM, but mammary neoplasia is MUCH more of a risk
T/F: spayed/neutered cats live longer than intact cats
T/F: male cats not intended for breeding should be castrated prior to sexual maturity and can be done as young as 6-9 weeks of age.
What are the 3 benefits to castrating male dogs?
- decreased incidence of testicular neoplasia (incidence = 0.9%)
- decreased incidence of non-neoplastic prostrate disease (BPH, incidence 75-80%)
- increased lifespan
What are the 7 possible detriments to castration in male dogs?
- increased incidence of prostatic neoplasia
- increased incidence of
transitional cell carcinoma - increased incidence of osteosarcoma (in certain breeds)
- increased incidence of hemangiosarcoma (in certain breeds)
- increased incidence of CCL injury (incidence 1.8%)
- obesity
- increased incidence of diabetes mellitus (possibly)
all of the neoplasias have very low incidence, but have high mortality.
what are the 4 benefits to OHE in female dogs?
- decreased incidence of mammary neoplasia (esp if OHE before first heat)
- eliminates ovarian neoplasia risk
- eliminates uterine neoplasia risk
- eliminates pyometra risk
What are 8 detriments associated with spaying female dogs?
- increased incidence of transitional cell carcinoma
- increased incidence of osteosarcoma (in some breeds)
- increases incidence of hemagiosarcoma (in some breeds)
- increased incidence of cutaneous mast cell tumors
- increased incidence of CCL injury
- obesity
- diabetes mellitus
- increased incidence of estrogen-responsive urinary incontinence.
which 2 canine conditions have high incidence and high mortality and can be prevented by spaying?
mammary neoplasia
T/F: obesity is a significant detriment of gonadectomy in both species and sexes.