Problem Solving 2 Flashcards
How do we solve ill-defined problems?
Cannot use algorithms or scripts like well-defined problems
- Often begins with uncertainty and must find other strategies,
two based on episodic memory system are to:
- Remember individual past experiences related to a problem
- Recombined related memories on the fly to form imagined hypothetical solutions
What is Analogical problem solving?
Making comparisons between two situations and applying the solution from
one of the situations to the other situation
What are the two parts of Analogical problem solving?
Target problem
* the problem the person is trying to solve
* What to cook for a dinner party
Source problem
* the problem that shares similarity with the target problem
* How was this resolved in past similar scenarios?
Three steps to Analogical problem solving?
Notice a relationship
* there is an analogous relationship between source
problem (familiar) and target problem (unfamiliar)
Mapping the correspondence
* what is similar between the target and source
* Requires inferences and generalization
Apply the mapping
* generating a parallel solution for the target problem
Do people naturally engage in Analogical Problem Solving?
People don’t naturally engage in analogical transfer without a hint and when there is surface similarity between problems
- Surface details: Content of scenarios
- It is easier to use a school-related problem to solve a current school-related
problem than a related current relationship-related problem - Structural similarity is more important
- Generalized* underlying relationship between problem and solution
- Past problems relationship “When you cannot deploy a lot of resources at one
time, spread out lower levels of resources”
Is there a link between episodic memory and imagining solutions? (give example)
PPl with hippocamups dmg (Episodic impared)
Given Ill defined problems
Did it less good then controls
What is the Einstellung effect?
Cognitive bias where past experiences hinder our ability to find more efficient solutions to problems
How does Familiarity leads to the Einstellung effect?
- The bias to use familiar methods to solve a problem
- “I always do it this way ..”
- An inability to seek out a better method to solve a given
problem - A cognitive trap
- Rigid thinking and blocks in problem solving
- Functional and Mental Fixedness
What is Functional fixedness?
The inability to see beyond
the most common use of a
particular object
- “Fixed” on the known
function of an object
What is Pre-utilization
experience with the objects
Do children struggle with functional fixedness?
No fixedness in children without pre-utilization
- Too much experience leads to
fixedness and the Einstellung effect
What are mental sets?
Responding with previously learned rule sequences even when they are inappropriate or less productive
- The tendency to respond inflexibly to a particular type of
problem and not alter your response
What is Insight problem solving?
- A productive thinking process of forming new patterns or ways to view a
problem - Restructuring a problem in a new way leads to a sudden solution
- The Aha moment or insight
What are gestalt switches?
The experience of having a sudden switch in how you see something
Ex. old and young women drawing
What is a Mental impasse and how does it relate to insight?
Mental impasse = Stuck in a solution path
Insight = Overcomes impasse by restructuring the problem
What are the Four features of insight?
- Suddenness: The solution pops into mind with surprise
- Ease: The solution comes quickly and fluently
- Positive: A pleasant experience, even before assessing if the solution is effective
- Confidence: The solution is believed to be the right one
Can people predict insight via warmth (proximity to a solution)?
Experts are faster at solving things the same or similar to their domain, why?
Experts are more familiar with certain information and so they represent
a problem differently than non-experts
* Expert radiologists use ‘global’ visual processes when viewing scans
* Do not focus on unnecessary details
However there is a limited transfer between expertise and vastly different domains? (Example)
Just because Snoop Dogg is an expert lyricist (rapper) does not mean
he is an expert baker