Pro-Social Effects& Digital Literacy(3) Flashcards
What is the definition of prosocial effects?
effect of media that are socially desirable and benefits society at large
What are the six example of prosocial media effects?
- learning
- Job training
- health
- activism
- entertainment
- identity development
What is the Uses and Gratification theory/perspective?
what we do with media rather than what it does to us
What are the 6 assumptions of Uses and Gratification Theory?
- Audience is active and goal oriented
- people have needs they seek to satisfy
- audience link media to specific need gratifications
- media compete with other sources of need satisfaction
- people are self-aware of the process
- media are assessed by the audience rather than the creator
What is Entertainment Theory?
psychological processes of cognitive and affective enjoyment of media
What is mood management theory?
how individuals select media to maintain emotional homeostasis to a desired affective state
What is the idea of Entertainment Education?
the process of designing and implementing media content to educate and entertain
What is media literacy?
the process of understanding and using media in an assertive, non-passive manner
What are the skills involved in media literacy?
Access, Analyze & Evaluate, Create, Reflection, Advocacy & Activism
What is mindlessness?
cognitive activity that occurs outside of our consciousness
What 3 things can we do to avoid mindlessness when consuming media?
- think critically
- observe carefully
- participate actively
What are the four components of the higher levels of media literacy learning?
- our media system reflects the power dynamics in society
- most media are controlled by commercial interests
- media monopolies reduce opportunities to participate in decision making
- changing the media system is a justice issue
What is digital literacy?
-relates to digital forms of expression and communication
-ability to use and understand information from digital sources
-ability to create digital media
What are Hobb’s 4 digital literacy competencies?
- Sharing and Using
- Create and Collaborate
- Analyzing and Evaluation
- Applying Ethical Judgements
What is the idea of “learning by being”? Example?
doing things digitally as experiential learning
-ex: avatars/piloting
-similar to role playing as we often do so online
What are the three facets of Participatory Culture?
- Relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement
- strong support for creating and sharing creations with others
- informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices
What is Potter’s Theoretical model of Media Literacy?
Media Content(aware that media content is made from the perspective of who made it), Media Industries(how the process of media is constructed), Media Effects(awareness of these effects), Self(being aware of the role individuals play and being mindful)–>personal locus(your understanding of the 4 previous things)–>media literacy competencies and skills(driven by media literacy competencies & skills)–>engagement(awareness of the effects of engaging in media)