Film & Video(2) Flashcards
What was the significance of, A Trip to the Moon?
It was one of the first films to incorporate editing and camera tricks
What are blockbusters?
the type of big-budget special effects film that typically has a summer or holiday release date, heavy promotion, and lucrative merchandising tie-ins
What are newsreels and why are they important?
pioneered in France and England in the late 1890s, newsreels consisted of weekly ten-minute magazine-style compilations of filmed news events from around the world
–important because it led to the documentary film genre
What is Vertical Integration?
in media economics, the phenomenon of controlling a mass media industry at its 3 essential levels: production, distribution, and exhibition
-the term is frequently used in reference to the film industry during the studio system era
What are the 8 major studios?
Columbia, Fox, MGM, Paramount, Universal, Warner Brothers, Disney(Bueno Vista), Sony(Tristar)
What are independent films?
independent music and film production houses that are outside industry oligopolies/are produced outside the traditional Hollywood system
What are the 3 major roles of the movie making process?
directors, producers, screenwriters
What is the job of the director?
guides the actors, stages action, supervises shooting
What is the job of a producer? What is the job of an executive producer?
producers are organizers of a film, raise money for filming, select creative team, can be a studio executive
-executive producers mostly help in money-making, while producers are the organizers of films
What is the job of a screenwriter?
-authors of the script
-determine the narrative of the film
What is the distribution cycle(4 steps)?
- theatrical release
- pay cable(ex. HBO), digital downloads, On Demand, rental
- network and cable exhibition
- syndication
What is microcinema?
movement of low-budget video, production & distribution made possible by digital video and editing technology
What is blockbuster mentality and what kind of movies can it lead to?
the practice by large studios to produce high budget/high earning movies that choke out smaller movies at theaters
–can lead to movies that are formulaic by nature
What are the two theories of Cinema and self?
- Psychoanalysis
- Media Identification
What is the psychoanalysis theory?
-film as a mirror
-doesn’t reflect the spectator
-viewer identifies with the camera over the image, becoming one with the other
What is the Media Identification theory?
-Identification is a mechanism through which we experience and interpret content as if it is happening to us
What are the 5 main ways that Youtube helps creators facilitate audience reach and engagement?
- Live events(ex. meet-ups)
- paid promotion connects the film to new audiences(by paying to promote your YouTube video/channel on other peoples content)
- analytics help producers understand viewers
- can leverage with social media
- interactivity fosters community building through parasocial relationships
Identification vs parasocial interactions
a parasocial interaction is a way of psychoanalyzing the film, and identification is where we experience and interpret the content as if it is happening to us
What are the 3 characteristics of viral video?
- communities of participation
- unexpectedness
- peacemakers
What do the 3 characteristics of viral video mean for our media and culture?
the audience defines the popularity, which means we have the power to change media and culture