Media Effects(3) Flashcards
What is the definition of Media Effects?
A major tradition in mass communication research, it attempts to understand, explain, and predict the effect of mass media on individuals and society and relies primarily on tools rooted in the scientific method
What is the Limited Effects Perspective?
argues that people generally engage in selective exposure and selective retention with regard to the media
What is another name for the limited effects perspective?
the minimal-effects model
What is the Spiral of Silence?
a theory that links the mass media, social psychology, and the formation of public opinion; the theory says that people who hold minority views on controversial topic tend to keep their views silent
What is agenda setting?
a media-research argument that says that when the mass media focus their attention on particular events or issues they determine–that is, set the agenda for–the major topics of discussion for individuals and society
What is the public sphere?
a space for critical public debate; the areas or arenas in social life–like coffee houses and meeting halls– where people come together to engage in public debate and open communication
On average, how much time do Americans spend using social media per day?
10 hours per day
What methodical approach is dominant in the study of media effects?
Social Scientific Approach grounded in statistical methods of inquiry
What is mass society theory?
-1st theorizing
-media is powerful over society
What is the hypodermic needle model and magic bullet theory?
says that media influences in a uniform, direct, and immediate manner
What types of media messages did hypodermic needle model and magic bullet theory mostly focus on?
mostly focuses on conditioning of individuals by propaganda
What is the limited effects perspective?
little power of media on individuals
How does the limited effects perspective see consumers of media?
sees consumer as active, with media being indirect influences at best
What is the two-step flow theory?
media influences opinion leader–>opinion leaders influence followers
What were the main findings of Cantrill’s study?
showed that media can have powerful effects on some, but not all
-some risk factors make some susceptible
According to Cantrill, what made someone more likely to be affected/influenced by media?
those influenced had higher isolation and insecurities
What radio broadcast is used as an example of Cantrill’s study? Why?
“War of Worlds”(spread false info, and some believed it while other did not)
What is the mixed effects perspective?
says that media may have moderate to powerful effects depending on the circumstances and the individual
-says most are moderate, but that does no make them unimportant
What “matter” in the mixed effects perspective?
-awareness of media as potential influences matters
-consumption matters
How does the mixed effects perspective differ from prior perspectives?
differs by recognizing a consumer that is a combination of an active consumer and a passive consumer
What are the 4 myths of media effects?
- that media is simple and direct
- that media effects are obvious
- that media effects must be large to be important
- that media effects studies see the audience as passive
Within which historical perspective of media effects does the myth that media effects are simple and direct fit into?
fits within the Powerful Effects Perspective
What is the third-person effect?
-“it’s not me, it’s you”
-individual believes that they are not influenced by media, but other may be(easier to see characteristics in others than yourself)
What two things might intensify the third person effect?
social distance
How does Bushman and Anderson’s research relate to the myth that media effects must be large to be important?
research showed that cultivation of media effects could have a large effect, so cumulative effects can be larger than people assume
What view does Social Cognitive Theory take of the audience?
views media consumption as a form of social learning for an individual(so can have a large effect)
What are the 5 fundamental key concepts of media literacy?
- Media are constructions
- Audiences negotiate meanings
- Media have commercial applications
- Media is social and political
- Media has its own unique aesthetic form