Gender Representation(3) Flashcards
How frequently are men and women depicted as characters on primetime TV?
58% of primetime TV characters are male, 42% female
How frequently are men and women depicted as characters in G-rated movies?
72% of G-rated characters are male, 28% female
What are the three types of effects of gender representations?
- stereotyping
- behavior
- identity
How is stereotyping defined?
Application of a standardized image or concept to members of a group based upon limited information
What is a stereotype threat?
experience of anxiety in a situation where a person has the potential to confirm a stereotype about their social group
What are the three effects of stereotype threat?
- reduced performance on task(ex. women in math)
- lowered self-esteem, efficacy, and ambition
- self-fulfilling prophecy
What is sexual objectification?
the female body viewed as a sexual object( beauty is narrowly defined, beauty equated with sexiness)
-subject vs. object
What is self-objectification?
when women apply objectification standards to themselves
What can increase self-objectification?
media objectification
What is body esteem?
-satisfaction with appearance
-can be on various body features
What effect related to body image is linked to men and boys, and what effect related to body image is linked to women and girls?
-Men: drive for muscularity
-Women: drive for thinness or extreme proportions
The media creates a standard of beauty that is impossible for women and girls to achieve. What is the most important thing to understand about the way these images affect us?
the effect is primarily subconscious, and it is very harmful, but since we are not usually aware of this, we have to pay conscious attention to these images
What is a critique regarding a woman’s own role in the objectification of women?
-women learn to see themselves as objects(self objectification)
-women don’t always support other women–> they criticize and hold other women to higher standards than they do men
What does “you can’t be what you can’t see” mean for women? In society? In the media? In politics?
it means that girls need to see more women in certain role(specifically “male roles) in order for them to want to grow-up and strive for that goal or position
-more women have to strive for roles in society, media, and politics for younger generations to see it as a possibility(ex. leadership position, body range, government roles)
What is political efficacy?
the idea that your voice matters in politics and that you can bring about change in politics
What is the link between self-objectification and political efficacy?
self-objectification leads to lower political efficacy, which makes women less likely to vote and run for office
What is a critique of the news media and its role in the objectification of women?
-female journalists are objectified or sexualized
-news also focuses way more on women’s personal lives than men
What is symbolic annihilation?
when any group is not featured in the media, leading them to wonder what their role is in culture