Media Industries & Econimics Flashcards
What is Selective Exposure?
people typically seek messages and produce meanings that correspond to their own cultural beliefs, values and interests
What is the definition of communication?
the creation and use of symbol systems that convey information and meaning
What is convergence?
convergence describes the changes brought by the digital transition and refers to the technological merging of once distinct and incompatible formats into a single format that can be accessed through one device, or refers to the trend of media companies merging together to better position themselves for a world in which all media can be digital
What is the definition of mass communication?
the process of designing cultural messages and stories and delivering them to increasingly large and diverse audiences through mass media channels like newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, and television
What is the linear model of communication?
says that mass communication is a linear process of producing and delivering messages where senders transmit messages through mass media channels to large groups of receivers
What are criticisms of the linear model of communication?
-media messages do not in reality move smoothly from a sender at point A to a receiver at point Z
-may lead us to overestimate the sender’s control
What is a monopoly?
in media economics, an organizational structure that occurs when a single firm dominates production and distribution in a particular industry, either nationally or locally
What is cultural Imperialism?
the phenomenon of american music, movies, and tv shows dominating international markets and shaping the cultures of other nations
What is a hegemony?
a condition that is established when most of the public accepts or buys into a way of thinking about how the world works that favors the dominant class
What is an oligopoly?
(the most common structure) a business situation in which a few firms control most of an industry’s production and distribution resources
How has deregulation encouraged media conglomeration?
with deregulation, there was less control on businesses from the government, which made it easier for corporations to take over or merge with companies in different sectors of the economy, producing highly diversified conglomerates
-a single media company could then own an almost unlimited number of radio and tv stations, boosting the profits of these media conglomerates
What does it mean to take a critical and cultural approach to understanding media?
it means you look not only at the power dynamics that exist within media, but also the interaction of media with society as a whole to examine media at the consumer level versus the higher level
What is media literacy?
the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media as well as understand the effect of media
What are the elements of the media literacy model?
access, analyze & evaluate, create, reflect, act
What are the 3 types of economic structure of the media?
- monopoly
- oligopoly
- conglomerate
What are the 4 benefits of conglomeration?
- cross-promotion
- cross-production
- cross-advertising
- blockbusters
What are gatekeepers?
any companies that stand between the ideas/stories that are being put out and the consumers that hear/read/watch those things being put out
What is net neutrality?
the idea that ISPs(internet service providers) should provide users with access to all lawful content & applications and should not block or filter content
What are the two groups in society?
- the political class: those who are educated and play a role in society culturally or politically- about 20% of population
- other 80% of society’s population is to follow orders, and are not to think or pay attention
What is the propaganda model?
an institutional analysis of the major media- mainly the national media
Who are the elite media and what is their role in the propaganda model?
they are the “agenda-setting” media like the New York Times, Washington Post and NBC. These companies set the general framework for local media(like what content should be included and excluded). They determine, select, shape, control. restrict, and serve the dominant groups in society
From Chomsky’s perspective, do media affect society, or does society affect media?
the media affects society because companies-especially the elite media-decide the information being put out to consumers based on what the dominant groups in society want, rather than putting completely unfiltered media out for consumers to have access to all aspects of the media