Principles of Practice of a Beauty Therapist Flashcards
Requires risk assessments to be carried out by employer and employees ensuring correct manual handling to prevent injury
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Underlines the employer’s responsibilities
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2006
Requires incidents to be reported immediately
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulations 2013
Require everyone in the workplace to help maintain a safe and healthy working environment being environmentally friendly
Workplace Regulations (Health, Safety and Welfare) 1992
Requires immediate attention provided in the event of injury/sudden illness of anyone in workplace. At least one person needs first aid training
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
Underlines the employer’s and employee’s responsibilities in terms of assessing risks and risk control with health and safety in the work place
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2006
Ensure all equipment in the salon is being used for its intended purpose and kept in good working conditions
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
COSHH - Identifies hazardous chemicals and substances and everyones responsibilites in ensuring they are assessed, listed and info accessible
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
Provides information about hazardous chemicals and how they should be handled including manufacturers information
(Material/Product/Chemical) Safety Data Sheet Regulations
Requires all electrical appliances should be used with caution and handled correctly, checked and tested routinley
Electricity at Work Regulations 1990
Requires all salons to have basic standard fire prevention and control with a safe usable fire exit route
Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety) 2005
PPE - Important for there to be correct protective equipment - gloves, aprons, masks, eye protection etc for employees
Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2016
PPE - Important for there to be correct protective equipment - gloves, aprons, masks, eye protection etc for employees
Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2016
States all products must meet services, faulty goods, and materials standards
Consumer Rights Act 2015
Control of emission in the environment of the work place, waste management, nuisances, litter
Environmental Protection Act 1990
The use of client’s data is to be used correctly and protected
Data Protection Act 1984/1998
Prevents discrimination against anyone
Equality Act 2010
An employer must have insurance incase an employee has an incident at work and has the right to claim compensation
Employer’s Liability (Compulsary Insurance) Act
Guidlines set to ensure employees are entlitled to annual leave, regular breaks and minimun wage payments with specific hours of working
Working Time Regulations 1998