Muscles Flashcards
Identify the muscles and what they do
Place - Forehead
Action - moves scalp/raises eyebrow/wrinkles forehead
Place - Back/lower head
Action - pulls scalp backwards
Place - Anterior (inner) Upper arm
Action - Flexion of arm at elbow
Place - Posterior (outter) Upper arm
Action - Extension of arm at elbow
Place - Lateral side of elbow joint/down forearm to wrist
Action - Flexes elbow, pronation/supnation of hand
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Place - Medial side of forearm to wrist
Action - Abducts/flexes wrist, helps elbow flexion
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Place - Medial side of forearm to wrist
Action - Flexes/abducts wrist, helps elbow flexion
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Place - Lateral side of forearm to hand
Action - Extension/abduction of wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Place - Lateral side of forearm to hand
Action - Extension/abduction of wrist
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Place - Lateral side of forearm to hand
Action - Extends/adducts wrist
Flexor Digitorum
Place - Anterior/ Medial side of lower arm
Action - Flexes wrist/fingers
Extensor Digitorum
Place - Lateral side of forearm to base of fingers
Action - Extends wrists/fingers
Place - Posterior muscle of lower leg
Action - Plantar flexion, flexes knee
Place - Under gastrocnemius
Action - Plantar flexion
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Place - Posterior surface of tibia
Action - flexes toes, weak plantar flexion, invertor of foot
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Place - Plantar surface of foot
Action - flexes toes
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Place - Posterior of fibula
Action - flexes big toe, weak plantar flexion/invertor of foot
Orbicularis Oculi
Place - Around eye socket
Action - Closes eyelids
Place - Bridge of nose
Action - Dialates/constricts nostrils
Orbicularis Oris
Place - Surrounds mouth
Action - Closes lips, pouts
Place - Centre of chin
Action - Protudes lower lip, pouting
Place - Chin down front/sides of neck
Action - mouth corners down, lower mandible, maintain skin texture
Place - Each side of mouth over mandible
Action - Brings side of mouth down, frown
Place - Sides of cheeks
Action - Compresses cheeks
Place - Side of mouth
Action - lifts corners of mouth, smile
Place - Between brows down nasal bone
Action - eyebrows down to frown, wrinkle nose
Levator Scapula
Place - back of neck between cervical vertabrae and scapula
Action - lift/rotate capula, flexes neck, rotates head, extends head and neck
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Place - Anterior surface of fibula
Action - Extends big toe, dorsiflexion/inversion of foot
Peroneus Longus
Place - Lateral side of fibula
Action - Plantar flexion/everion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Place - Plantar surface of foot
Action - Extends toes
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Place - Lateral Tibia and Anterior Fibula
Action - Extends toess, dorsiflexion/eversion of ankle
Place - Each side of neck, back of ear to sternum
Action - Rotate head, pull head forward
Place - Each side of face infront of ears
Action - Raises/lowers jaw, chewing
Zygomaticus Minor/Major
Place - Along zygomatic bone, cheek
Action - Raises corner of mouth, smiling
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Place - Side of lower lip down mandible
Action - Brings lower lip downwards/sideways
Pectoralis Minor
Place - Smaller than major, beneath/infront of on chest
Action - Depresses/abducts/rotattes scapula down
Pectoralis Major
Place - Front of chest (under breast tissue)
Action - Flexion/Adduction/Extension/Medial rotation of shoulder
Quadrates Labbi Superoris
Place - Sides of upper lips across maxilla/zygomatic
Action - lifts upper lip
Place - Between eyebrows
Action - Wrinkles forehead in between nose, frowning
Place - Side of head stretching to mandible
Action - Raises mandible, chew food
Place - Large diamond shape across shoulders
Action - extend/rotate/flexes head, lifts scapula
Place - Lies over shoulder
Action - Draws arm back/forward, abducts arm
Tibialis Posterior
Place - Along tibia on posterior of lower leg
Action - Plantar flexion/inversion of foot
Tibialis Anterior
Place - Along outside of tibia
Action - Dorsiflexion/inversion of foot
Hypothenar Eminence
Place - Small muscle group located in little finger/medial side of hand
Action - Abduction/flexion/opposition of little finger
Thenar Eminence
Place - group of small muscles located in thumb/lateral side of hand
Action - Abduction/flecion/opposition of thumb