Principles Of Nutrional biochemistry, BMR and SDA Flashcards
What is BMR and SDA
Basal metabolic rate
Specific Dynamic Action
Knowledge of the principles of nutritional biochemistry is of importance in ———-
Developing countries
——– %of the population is below the poverty line
> 60% of the population
What is Nutrition??
It is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in the food in relation to growth, reproduction health and disease of organism
Dietary carbohydrates provide a major fraction of the body’s energy needs which about—–
60 -65% of total calories
Unavailable carbohydrates constitute of only —
Dietary fibre
List the activity levels and their additional energy requirements
Sedentary +30% of BMR
The formula for calculating Total energy Requirement?
Total energy = subtotal energy +SDA
Subtotal energy = BMR +additional for level of activity
For every mixed diet, an extra——-% should be provided to compensate for energy losd
RMR is ——- higher than BMR
BMR is measured under what conditions ?
Controlled conditions of thermal neutrality
BMR is measured directly by ——- and indirectly by——–
Heat evolved
O2 consumed and C02 evolved per unit time
What are nutrients?
They are substances contained in foods, Crucial for human life, survival and growth
Dietary carbohydrates provide about ——% of the body’s calorie need
Fat consists of ——– & ———
A glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
Diet of an organism depend on
The availability, palatability and processing
A healthy diet includes preparation and storage method
That prevent nutrients from oxidation, heat and leaching
Fat provides
A 70 kg man requires ——– metabolic fuel per day
10-12MJ. 2400-2900kcal
Metabolic fuel of 2400-2900 can be met by what % of each proximate principle
Carbohydrates (40-60)%
The fixed BMR is?
24 kcal/kg body weight/ day