Principles Of Genetic Screening, Diagnosis, And Gene Therapy Flashcards
Prenatal screening
. Assists at risk families in having healthy children
. Assists families at risk for having child w/ genetic disease in gathering medical and surgical tools needed
. Assists mother in potentially problematic pregnancies
Biochemistry procedures in prenatal screening
. Measure of conc. Of fetalproduced analytes in maternal fluids (AFP, HCG, UE or all 3 together at 15 weeks)
. Measure con. Of fetal produced analytes in amniotic fluid from transabdominal amniocentesis (15-17 weeks)
. Karyotyping or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of fetal chromosomes in amniocytes to detect aneuploidies and major chromosomal deletion/duplication
. DNA analyses on fetal DNA via amniocentesis (15-17 weeks) or chorionic villus sampling (10-11 weeks) to detect mutation in genes
Maternal serum alpha feto protein (MSAFP)
. In NTD, the con. Of AFP is higher than normal in maternal serum and amniotic fluid
. MSAFP test done at 16 weeks for open NTD
. Noninvasive, no risk, sensitivity is lower than amniotic AFP diagnosis
. Also does screening that inc. ability to detect Down’s
Triple screen
. Inc. sensitivity for detecting down’s
. Measures 3 blood markers
Quad test
. Also measures inhibin A
. Slightly better than triple test at estimating probability that baby has down’s
. Second trimester serum screen
. Inhibin A is inc. in down’s, No value for NTD screening
First trimester markers
. Free beta-hCG: helpful in both 1st and 2nd trimester
. Total beta-hCG
. Pregnancy-assoc. plasma protein A (PAPP-A): glycoprotein produced by trophoblast reduced in Down syndrome and trisomy 18 used as quantitative screen in 1st trimester
Nuchal translucency
. Scan using ultrasound to help identify higher risks for Down’s and trisomy 16 in fetus
Cell free fetal DNA testing (cffDNA)
. Small amount of DNA released from placenta and into pregnant woman’s blood stream
. Cell free DNA in blood is screened for Down’s, trisomy 13 and 18, and problems w/ number of sex chromosomes
. Test done starting at 10 weeks
. Positive test followed by diagnostic test amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling
. Performed at 15-17 week
. Rate of fetal loss: 1/200
. Provides cells for growth to use chromosomal analysis, detecting enzyme deficiencies, extraction of DNA and subsequent DNA analysis
. FISH analysis w/o growing cells
. Amniotic fluid for AFP and other enzyme assays
Indications for amniocentesis
. Advanced maternal age
. Abnormal maternal serum triple marker screening test
. Family history of chromosomal abnormality
. Neural tube defect/abnormal maternal serum alpha feto protein
. Mendelian disease detectable by biochemical or DNA analysis
Chorionic villi sampling
. Performed at 10-11 weeks
. Aspirate fetal trophoblastic tissue by trans cervical or transabdominal approach
. Risk of fetal loss: 1-1.5%
. CVS may inc. risk of limb reduction defects
Tandem mass spectrometry
. Screening for multiple disorders by measuring elevations of compounds from dried blood sampling obtained after birth by heel prick
. All states screen for 29 conditions
. New conditions added if condition can be detected 24-48 hrs after birth and can’t be detected by doctor exam, test is specific and sensitive, early detection and intervention has effective treatment
Diagnostic testing
. Used to confirm/rule out known suspected genetic disorder in symptomatic individual
Predictive testing
. Asymptomatic individuals w/ family history of genetic disorder
. Presymptomatic and predisposition always testing
Carrier testing
. Identifies individuals who have gene mutation for disorder inherited in autosomal recessive or x-linked manner
. Carriers usually do not have symptoms related to mutation
. Offered to individuals who have family members w/ genetic condition, family members of identified carrier, and individuals in ethnic or racial groups w/ higher rate for certain condition