PRINCE2 Processes Flashcards
What is the first stage of a project?
A project mandate from the business triggers the ‘SP’ phase
What happens during ‘directing a project’?
- Authorise the initiation documents e.g. PID
- Authorise the project
- Authorise a next stage plan or an exception plan
- Authorise a closure
- Give ongoing direction if asked
What is the purpose of ‘directing a project’?
To ensure continued business justification of the project
What happens during ‘initiating a project’?
All of the documentation is made (PID - outline business case, 9 management approaches - especially benefit/sustainability, next stage plan is made)
Tailoring happens here
What happens during ‘managing a stage boundary’?
The end stage and next stage reports are made by the PM, the project plan is updated and the BC is reviewed. If necessary, exception plans are made
What happens under ‘controlling a stage’?
This is the bulk of the PMs work. This focusses on work packages, monitoring, issues and risks
What is the objective of managing a stage boundary?
To ensure that the project is going as planned, all products at that stage have been completed, prepare for the next stage, review and update the PID, record any possible lessons and maybe draft an exception plan
What happens during ‘closing a project’?
- PB allow the closure of the project
- Senior user verifies that the users accept the products and assess any realised benefits - update BMA
- Maybe a premature closure
- Archive all information
- Close in an orderly way
What are the 5 steps to close a project?
- Prepare planned closure - archive all information
- Or prepare premature closure
- Confirm products are accepted by the users and record benefits - give them to the business
- Evaluate how the project went - record lessons/end of project report
- Request project closure
What happens at ‘starting up a project’?
The project brief and outline business case is drafted, given to the PB
PM team identified
Lessons learned are considered
Initiation stage plan is made
Project initiation request is made to be PB
What triggers the DP phase?
PM sends the initiation request to the PB
What happens during ‘managing product delivery’?
The TM accepts WP, executes WP and reports on the WP with ‘checkpoint reports’ at agreed frequency of the PID
All team members, suppliers, etc are clear on what needs to be delivered
What must TMs do?
- Accept WP
- Execute WP
- Evaluate WP
- Report on WP
- Notify WP completion