Primeval History Flashcards
The First Story of Creation
- highly structured, organized
1. Heavens
2. Waters
3. Land
4. Stars
5. Fish
6. Humans/animals
Why did salvation come through the second person of the trinity?
Jesus is the perfect response to sin because he is the new humanity who we inspire to be
- to fulfill the covenant made to Abraham and the Jewish people
- to show being human is good
The Garden of Eden
-dirt, breath, rib, messy, sin, emotions
Cain and Abel
Things fall apart..
Cain kills Abel because Abel’s sacrifice was more pleasing to God (jealousy)
-Adam and Eve’s original sin spreads (contagious) -dis-ease, disorder
Noah is a good guy, contrasts Adam and Eve
-trusts God, obeys God
FLOOD … Still sin
Salvation is an inside job, where there is a change of heart
-sin is deeply rooted in heart
-Jesus is perfect response to sin because he is the new humanity who we inspire to be
-If you really want to love God, you need a new heart
A heart that sins against God will not receive salvation
Tower of Babel
“Babel” means “confused” = mess
- Built tower to heaven (Adam and Eve wanted to be like God)
- God mixes up language
What is Primeval History?
Genesis 1-11
Primeval= “before time”; history= stories
-probably didn’t literally happen, meant to give us spiritual truth and answers about what it means to be human, etc.
-stories that communicate truths
1000 BC (David) - 500 BC (Babylon)
- Holy spirit is author
- written over a vast period of centuries
- historical occurrences influenced writing style
Original holiness
World working together without sin -orderly, structured, flow, work together Natural Law= flow Before the fall Genesis chapter 1
Original sin
Adam and Eve- disobey God, life becomes a huge mess -things fall apart -Cain kills Abel -Flood, "wicked" -Tower of Babel Serpent tempts them=will be like God Human beings want to be like God, don't feel like being human is good enough -disrupts original holiness
Illogical: humans messed up, yet God stays in the relationship
- relationship
- love
- defies logic
What does the word “Genesis” mean?
How did God create?
He simply spoke his Word (Logos)
- Son is the Word
- Words have form, shape, meaning
The word “sin” comes from the German word Sünde which means what?
Where in Genesis 3 is the first recorded prophecy of redemption?
Verse 15
God- kicked out of Eden Self- naked, shame Others- Adam blames Eve Nature- food--> fight against nature -labor --> mom fights against baby; pain
In what way is God’s exile of Adam and Eve from Eden like death itself?
It was a punishment but a mercy
In what way is God’s exile of Adam and Eve actually a mercy?
It prevented them from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, which would have established themselves in the sinful nature eternally
The Old Testament was originally written in what language?
The New Testament was originally written in what language?
The Septuagint is in the language:
The Vulgate is in this language:
Who translated the Bible into the Vulgate version?
St. Jerome
Who is the author of the Bible?
The Holy Spirit
How many books are in the Old Testament?
How many books are in the New Testament?
Who is an example of a prophet?