Moses Test Flashcards
What is the heart of the law?
- salvation=inside job
- transformation of the heart
What becomes the center of Judaism after the exodus?
The law
Key word in the Book of Leviticus
wHOLeY-original holiness, salvation
Leviticus 11:45
“I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God, you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.”
What does St. Paul call Israel’s law law in Galatians 3:24?
“our tutor to bring us to Christ”
- tutor, disciplinarian, guardian
- law gives us focus, like a good teacher
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (the shema)
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”
Moses does not enter the Promised Land; it is Joshua leads the people in. What does this symbolize?
Symbolized the fact that Moses is only a preparation for Christ
Moses time period
1400-1500 BC
What does “Moses” literally mean?
“Drawn out of water”
- an Egyptian name
- symbolizes Baptism
What tribe does Moses come from?
-he is a descendant of Abraham
Moses’ family
Birth Mother is a Hebrew; his adoptive mother is Pharaoh’s daughter (Egyptian)
Why does Moses flee?
He killed an Egyptian slave owner who was beating a Hebrew
-flees to Midian
Who does Moses marry?
Jethro’s daughter, Zipporah
Does Moses get the people to the Promised Land?
Yes, but he is not allowed to enter, and then dies. Joshua leads them into the Promised Land.
Burning Bush (Exodus 3)
Represents the Tree of Life and the Cross; all symbolize eternal life
“I am”
- appears 6,823 times in OT
- translates as Lord
- preserves the power and greatness of God
- John 8:58 “before Abraham was, I am”
- John 18:5-6 “I am” : soldiers fell to ground, words were so powerful
Symbolism in Passover and the Last Supper
Passover: angel of death, Hebrew lamb’s blood (Christ)
Last Supper: Eucharist-drink blood, eat flesh
John: Crucifixion takes place on Passover
-Jesus is lamb of God
Exodus 12:46 “don’t break any lamb bones” =
John 19:36 didn’t break Jesus’ legs
How does salvation become more intimate?
10 Commandments= internal: intimate, free will, actions
How do the 10 Commandments connect to the covenant with Abraham?
Land: Promised land=commandments=guidelines to civil, peaceful society= Heaven
Descendants: no covet, no kill, no steal, no adultery
-if the community divides, Abraham won’t get his descendants
How do the Father’s of the church interpret the events of Exodus
Christ=New Mose The church=Israel Liberates his people from sin=Egypt Wilderness=purgatory Satan=Pharaoh Sea=Death (Baptism) Promised Land=Heaven
How are Christ’s sacrifices on the Cross and on the altar at Mass symbolized by the laws of Leviticus?
They are symbolized and foretold by the offerings that made up Israel’s temple liturgy
Why was it ok for Jesus to break the Law?
Jesus came not to abolish the law but fulfill. He kept the law of God, but loosely reformed it. If he had not actually kept the law, he would have sinned, and Christ was born without sin.