Exam Review 2014 Flashcards
Mary is assumed into Heaven, body and soul. (Not in Bible)
-the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary to announce the birth of her son Jesus (only in Luke)
Immaculate Conception
Mary is born without sin
-in union with God/ full of grace
Title given to honor Mary by the church
-means “Mother of God” in Greek
Showing honor, respect, and devotion
-titles, feast days, solemnities, prayers (litanies, novenas)
Jesus was half God, not equal to God (Superman)
Jesus was a mystical being who came to give “secret knowledge” of salvation to a chosen few
(no Messiah)
“one nature”
God’s Word took the place of the human soul of Jesus
He had a human body, but no human mind or will
In Jesus, there are 2 Persons: one divine and one human
-believed second Person of Trinity came into being when Jesus did
“anointed one”
Belief that the Son of God assumed a human nature for our salvation
-saved us all from sin
Hypostatic Union
Jesus is 100% human, 100% divine
One who tells good news
The Word of God
-portrait of Jesus in John
Beatific Vision
Vision of God in Heaven after we die; God opens the divine mystery to us
-seeing God face to face
How Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, Sermon on Plain in Luke
“Supreme Blessedness, Supreme Happiness”
-8 things we need to do to acquire heaven
What was the largest first century Jewish group?
the Pharisees
- middle class
- feuded with Jesus
- lay people
- all about laws
- most interaction with Jesus
Who were the Saddducees?
- elite group
- priests
- in charge of running the temple
- most seats on court
- little interaction with Jesus
- kept to selves
- killed off
- believed only what is in Torah will save you
- did not believe in Messiah, resurrection, life after death
Jesus only seemed to be human; he had a “Phantom Body”
Jesus was a mystical being from heaven who came to give “secret knowledge” of salvation to a chosen few. His resurrection and earthly life was not important. Old Testament God was evil
Jesus was half-God, not equal to God
Jesus was a good man whom God adopted as his Son at some point in his life
God’s Word (Logos) took the place of the human soul of Jesus. He had a human body, but no human mind or will
Earthly Jesus was different from the Divine Jesus
Jesus was an ethical teacher, nothing more
Body raised from dead by Jesus; still would die again, his body wasn’t glorified like Jesus’ body
Pharisee who followed Jesus in secret
Betrayed Jesus
Denied Jesus 3 times
Banned from Promised Land due to lack of faith; freed Israelites; 12 plagues; angry at people for worshipping false god; given 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai
King Herod
Ordered baby massacre; felt threatened by Jesus, heard he was King
= to messiah
First 5 books in Old Testament; Sadducees believed in Torah alone
How Jesus begins his sermon on the Mount in Matthew, sermon on Plain in Luke
-“Supreme Blessedness/ Happiness”
-didn’t think they would receive salvation until Jesus
First Gospel written?
Only Gospel to include gospel of the Protocol Son and Good Samaritan
Suffering servant portrayal of Jesus
Primarily Jewish audience to teach that Jesus is their long awaited Messiah
Author of Acts of the Apostle
Matthew traces Jesus’ genealogy back to whom?
Group of Jews who enforced laws
Who did Jesus bring back from the dead?
“Incarnation” is Latin for what?
‘To become flesh’
This Gospel has a 5 part structure like the Torah
Beloved disciple is a prominent figure in…
John’s gospel
Luke traces Jesus’ genealogy back to…
Only Gospel that includes washing of disciples’ feet at the Last Supper
What 2 parts is John’s Gospel divided into?
Book of Signs
Book of Glory
What does Theotokos mean?
Mother of God
Given to honor Mary
The Jews of Jesus’ time believed this figure wrote the Torah..
Approximately what year did the Jewish Temple get destroyed?
67-70 AD
What does Logos literally mean?
This heresy teaches that secret knowledge is necessary for salvation?
What is the Greek term for Messiah?
Christos (Christ)
Based on the word for ‘good news’, this term refers to an author of a Gospel
Catholics celebrate Mary assumed into Heaven on what feast day?
The Assumption of Mary
What does venerate mean?
Honor, respect, or devotion
What was the name of the Palestinian governor?
Pontius Pilate
What is the shortest Gospel?
This gospel emphasizes the role of women, especially Mary
What gospel Emphasized the disciple whom Jesus loved?
Whose gospel includes the Sermon on the Plain?
How is everything in the Bible true, when stories contradict?
- Not everything in the Bible is literal, but it is true
- Audience dictates delivery
- Bible is not a history book, but a faith statement
Mark overview
Date: 65-70 AD (time of zealot revolt, diaspora, city destroyed, Christian persecutions)
Audience: Gentile-Christians who were being persecuted
Portrait of Jesus: an unrecognized, suffering servant
Genealogy: none. Why? -would’ve take too much time, gentile audience wouldn’t know the people, servants do not have families (would contradict portrait)
Luke Overview
Date: 80-90 AD
Audience: Gentile-Christians (with a particular emphasis on outcasts)
Portrait of Jesus: Compassionate Savior (universal salvation, messianic identity, no secret)
Genealogy: traced back to Adam (father of everyone; all saved, all same blood)
Matthew Overview
Date: 85-87 AD
Audience: Affluent (elite) Jewish-Christians
Portrait of Jesus: “New Moses” (New and Improved Temple, promised Messiah, fulfillment of the law)
Genealogy: traced back to Abraham (father of all Jews)
-eschatological tone (“last things”)
Date: 95 AD (lots of heresy at time)
Audience: Jewish-Christians who were kicked out of their synagogue
Portrait of Jesus: Jesus is the Logos, the Word of God
“Genealogy”: the Prologue traces Jesus back to God
Why did Jesus get baptized?
- Prophetic referencing- foreshadows future events, God proclaims his Son from the sky , shows sign of purity
- It reveals that Jesus was sent by God, but is also man
- It reveals that we are sent to evangelize the word of God
What gospel emphasizes divinity?
Jesus as the New Moses in Matthew?
Came to fulfill law, not abolish it
- 10 commandments on Mt Sinai similar to Beatitudes on the Mount
- saved from baby massacre in Egypt
- talked with God “face to face”
- 40 years in desert; 40 days in desert
- gets angry at people for worshipping false god
What does it mean to be a disciple according to the Gospel of Mark?
Being a disciple involves change…
- A willingness to leave certain things behind (sacrifice, God will ask u to give up what is holding u back)
- A willingness to live life like a pilgrim (pilgrim is on a holy journey, always trying to do more with faith)
- A willingness to develop a listening ear to be taught
- A willingness to be led and learning to obey
- A willingness to die so that we may live (giving up riches for eternal life; call to change)
What is Jesus doing with compassion in Luke’s Gospel?
Jesus is appealing to Anawim, the outcasts, who believed they were not going to receive salvation
- He wanted to preach the idea of universal salvation, and that everyone has a chance at Heaven
- opens the door to more people
- Jew, Gentile, sinner=all are saved
What is Jesus’ attitude toward the Purity Laws and the Old Testament in general in the Gospel of Matthew?
Jesus wanted to bring laws back to its original purpose!!
- laws were meant to raise people up; for community
- Jesus was NOT against laws and rituals
- Jesus is the new and improved temple in Matthew
- Jesus alluded to Moses presenting 10 commandments on Mt Sinai when he received the Beatitudes on the Mount
What is the theological significance of the Prologue to John’s Gospel?
- battles heresies
- Retelling of creation with Jesus in mind
- proves Trinity always existed
- Jesus is one with God
- Jesus is the true Messiah
- Everyone who believed in God, received God, and became his children through baptism
- God became man, and this man, Jesus, revealed God’s grace and truth to the people
Table Fellowship in Luke
Table Fellowship: metaphor for society/ kingdom of heaven
- all welcome at table
- against social norm of purity system in 1st century Judaism
- “all welcome”
- Jesus wanted underdogs at table (humble); wanted everyone on same level