Primary Survey Flashcards
Three P’s
Preserve Life
Prevent Deterioration
Promote Recovery
Quickly and accurately assess the patients condition.
Assess the priority for treatment compared with any other patient.
6 stages of pre-hospital care
Survey the scene and approach Primary Survey Secondary Survey Treatment regime & Transport Reassessment Pre-Alert
Scene Safety
First Time Every Time
Am I Safe?
Is the Patient Safe?
Is the Environment Safe?
Do I Need Help?
Personal Protective Equipment
Airwave Radio Safety Boots Hi-Vis Clothing Stab-Vest Gloves Safety Goggles Safety Helmet
Look For Dangers
At the position of the patient.
For any obvious injuries.
How many patients there are.
For other services on scene.
Listen For Dangers
For the patients breathing.
To what the patient is saying or noises they are making.
To witnesses or Bystanders.
Your colleagues, LFB, MPS, immediate responders etc.
Think about all you have seen and heard. Then:
About the priorities
About additional assistance
About a treatment regime
Mechanism of injury
People are depending on you.
Call for appropriate assistance without unnecessary delay.
Prioritise patients needs “sort & sieve”
Act calmly, confidently and to the best of your ability.
Primary Survey goals
To determine resuscitative measures.
To identify immediately life threatening conditions.
To assess and treat all life threatening conditions.
Primary Survey DR-ABC
Danger Response Airway Breathing Circulation
Airway management
in-line Cervical spine management. Assess and ensure a patients airway. Manual opening manoeuvre. Consider suction. OP/NP airway.
Breathing management
Assess for 10 seconds.
Assess rate 29 requires intervention.
If absent ventilate with supplemental O2.
Administer appropriate O2 via mask or by assisted ventilations.
Breathing assessment
Asses quality of ventilations.
Assess breath sounds for equality/abnormality.
Check chest wall for stability.
Correct any potentially life threatening conditions/injuries.
Circulation assessment/management
Assess pulse for 10 secs. Assess pulse for: Rhythm, Rate, Volume If absent begin cardiac compressions. Arrest major Haemorrhage. Assess peripheral perfusion & check capillary refill.
Alert Voice Pain Unresponsive
Assess pupillary size and reaction
Record all finding and interventions.
Expose and Evaluate
Fully remove/loosen clothing to examine injuries
Primary Survey Length
1-2 minutes
“should I load and go or stay and stabilise”
Time critical Conditions
If the patient has any problem with AIRWAY, BREATHING or CIRCULATION that cannot be immediately rectified then the patient must be considered TIME CRITICAL.
Minimum Equipment for each job.
Primary Response Pack Defibrillator Aspiration Oxygen Bag/Valve/Mask