Panic Cram for exam 2 Flashcards
everything we got told to revise for this exam.
5 types of shock
Septic/Toxic Hypovolaemic Anaphylactic Neurogenic Cardiogenic (remember them using this SHANC)
Sign and Symptoms of Fractures
Swelling Loss of power Irregularity Pain Deformity Unnatural mobility Crepitus (crunching sound of bones rubbing) Tenderness (remember them using this SLIPDUCT)
Signs of head injury
Blood Cerebral fluid leaking from nose or ears Altered level of conciousness Un-equal pupils Visible damage to the head Loss of co-ordination Seizure Vomiting Difficulty speaking, slurred speech Bloodshot eye/s Depressed fracture of the skull.
Shockable Arrhythmia’s
VF and Pulse-less VT
The mental health act: Section 2
Up to 28 days (non-renewable)
The mental health act: Section 3
Up to 6 months (renewable for further 6 months and then 1yr at a time)
The mental health act: Section 4
72 hours for emergency assessment (can be placed under section 2 or 3 after assessment)
The mental health act: Section 131
Informal admission
The mental health act: Section 135
Assessment in private premises
(magistrates warrant required)
(detained for 72 hours)
The mental health act: Section 136
Detained in a public place (detained for 72 hours)
Cautions for conveyance of infectious patients.
Universal precautions:
Personal hygiene
Personal protective equipment
Cleaning & disinfection
The five moments of hand hygiene
- Before patient contact
- Before a clean/aseptic procedure
- After body fluid exposure risk
- After patient contact
- After contact with patient surroundings
Causes of Unconsciousness
Fainting Infantile convulsions Shock Head injury Stroke Heart attack/Arrhythmia Asphyxia Poisoning Epilepsy Extremes of temperature Diabetes Drug O/D
Danger Response Airway Breathing Circulation Disability Exposure & Evaluate
Vacuum splints are for
non correctable deformity
Traction is for
All femural fractures!
Box splints are for
Ankle, Tibia and Knee area fractures.
GI tract
Mouth Tongue Oesophagus Cardiac sphincter (entrance to stomach) Stomach Duodenum Small intestines Caecum Large intestines Ascending colon, Transverse colon, Descending colon Rectum Anus
GI tract accessory organs
Gall bladder
Urinary tract
History taking - pain
Site of pain. Onset (and is this a new pain). Character. Radiates to other areas. Associated symptoms (nausea, dizziness). Timing/Duration Exacerbating or Relieving factors. Severity. (Remember as SOCRATES)
Diabetes type 1
no insulin
Diabetes type 2
little insulin and/or insulin produced doesn’t work
What can cause falls?
Drugs & alcohol Age related physiological changes Medical Environment (Remember as DAME)
4 types of mental health
Personality disorders
Windscreen report
As soon as you arrive on scene and can see the call is not as given and that you may require additional resources. Let control have a snapshot i.e. “there is a bus crashed into a shop”
Incident management
Command Safety Communications Assessment Triage Treatment Transport (Remember as CSCATTT)
Major incident report
Major incident declared. Exact location. Type of incident. Hazards. Access & egress. Numbers or priority patients. Emergency services present and required. (remember as METHANE)
Long term complications of Diabetes
Eyes Heart Kidneys Nerves Feet
Short term complications of Diabetes
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Chest injury types.
Fractured ribs. Flail segment. Simple pneumothorax. Open pnuemothorax. Tension pnuemothorax. Haemothorax (blood in thorax). Cardiac Tamponade.
treatment for broken ankle
DR-ABCDE immobilisation - splint pain relief check pedal pulse control bleeding
function of a splint
pain relief. stabilisation. protection. reduces bleeding. immobilisation.