PresentPerfect Flashcards
I have worked.
He trabajado.
You have listened.
Tú has escuchado.
She has drunk the milk.
Ella ha bebido la leche.
We have understood.
Hemos comprendido.
They [m.] have received a present.
Ellos han recibido un regalo.
We have sold the house.
Hemos vendido la casa.
Have you watched television today?
¿Has mirado la televisión hoy?
Where have they lived?
¿Dónde han vivido?
I have showered.
Me he duchado.
He has been with me.
Él ha estado conmigo.
You [formal] have learned a lot.
Usted ha aprendido mucho.
Have you brushed your teeth?
¿Te has cepillado los dientes?
He has called me six times.
Él me ha llamado seis veces.
I’ve run three miles.
He corrido tres millas.
She hasn’t washed her hair.
Ella no se ha lavado el pelo.
I have read twenty pages.
He leído veinte páginas.
She has opened the book.
Ella ha abierto el libro.
Where have you put the dishes?
¿Dónde has puesto los platos?
The rabbit has died.
El conejo ha muerto.
Have you told her the truth?
¿Le has dicho la verdad?
What have you seen?
¿Qué has visto?
The cook has fried all the eggs.
El cocinero ha frito todos los huevos.
What have you done today?
¿Qué has hecho hoy?
The store has provided us with clothing.
La tienda nos ha provisto de ropa.
She has broken another fi ngernail.
Ella se ha roto otra uña.
Has he resolved his problems?
¿Ha resuelto él sus problemas?
We haven’t said anything.
No hemos dicho nada.
The politician has not told the truth.
El político no ha dicho la verdad.
Why haven’t they returned?
¿Por qué no han vuelto?
What have you made for us?
¿Qué has hecho para nosotros?
I have had the money for more than twenty years.
He tenido el dinero por más de veinte años.
She has opened the window, and I have closed the door.
Ella ha abierto la ventana y yo he cerrado la puerta.
My neighbor’s dog has barked all night long, and I haven’t been able to sleep.
El perro de mi vecino ha ladrado toda la noche, y no he podido dormir.
Where have you put your suitcase?
¿Dónde has puesto tu maleta?
How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
¿Cuántas veces te has cepillado los dientes hoy?
Why haven’t you shaved today?
¿Por qué no te has afeitado hoy?
For how many years have you known Charles?
¿Por cuántos años has conocido a Carlos?
You’ve been late every day this week.
Has llegado tarde cada día [or todos los días] esta semana.
Have you all [formal] seen her?
¿La han visto (ustedes)?
The thieves have robbed our jewels and have broken all the windows.
Los ladrones han robado nuestras joyas y han roto todas las ventanas.
Have the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon (la luna de miel)?
¿Han vuelto los recién casados de su luna de miel?
Your manners have attracted me.
Tus modales me han atraído.
They [m.] have demonstrated their love for Beethoven’s music.
Ellos han demostrado su amor por la música de Beethoven.
If she is as rich as you say, then why has she robbed the bank?
Si ella es tan rica como dices, entonces, ¿por qué ha robado el banco?
The telephone has rung twenty times. Why haven’t you answered it?
El teléfono ha sonado veinte veces. ¿Por qué no lo has contestado?