presenet perfect and future tenses Flashcards
future tenses ( affirmative) .. what do you change the tense to ? give an exaple using the word ‘read’
change the tense to “ta”
I will read - nitasoma
future tense NEGATION
- how do you say : I / me
- translate : I will not read
- sita
- sitasoma
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : you
hauta / huta
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : he / she
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : we / us
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : y’all
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : they / them
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : ‘it’ noun class 3
future tense NEGATION
how do you say : ‘they’ noun class 4
present perfect tense (AFFIRMATIVE)
- used for when an action has just been completed , usually w “have, has” as a verb & action usually ends with “ - en “ or “ - ed “
- shown by using … what ?
- I have read : ?
- you have cooked : ?
- he has played : ?
- shown by using : ‘ me ‘
- nimesoma
- umepika
- amecheza
- we have sung : ?
- y’all have given : ?
- they have preached : ?
- the tree has fallen : ?
- the rivers have run : ?
- tumeimba
- mmempa
- wamehubiri
- mti umeanguka
- mito imekimbia
present perfect tense NEGATION
- change the ‘me’ to : ?
- hasn’t done something yet
- translate : I have not eaten yet
- change ‘ me ‘ to : “ ja “
- sijala bado
- I :
- you :
- she / he :
- we :
- sija
- hauja / huja
- haja
- hatuja
- they :
- y’all :
- ‘it’ noun class 3
- ‘they’ noun class 4
- hawaja
- hamja
- hauja
- haija
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
i have called you
nimekupigia simu
- simu = telephone
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
I have seen them
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- i have welcomed you
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- I have bathed
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- I have not told
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- I have not cooked
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- I have not cleaned
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- I have not been there
sijakuwa hapa
- kuwa = to be
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have done laundry
umesafisha nguo
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have just arrived
umefika sasa hivi
- sasa hivi : right now
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have eaten
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have read the book
umekisoma kitabu
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have not cleaned the house
hujasafisha nyumba
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you didn’t play
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have not arrived on time
hujafika kwa wakati
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- you have not understood
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- she has read the book
amekisoma kitabu
present perfect tense drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- he has arrived on time
amefika kwa wakati
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we called you
tumekupigia simu
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we have seen them
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we have welcomed you
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we have not told
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we have not cooked
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- we have not been there
hatujawa hapa
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- y’all have done laundry
mmesafisha nguo
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- y’all have just arrived
mmefika sasa hivi
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- y’all have eaten
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- y’all have not cleaned the house
hamjaisafishia nyumba
- add the ‘i’ since there is an object (house)
simple present tense PLURAL drill : AFFIRMATIVE & NEGATION
- they have arrived on time
wamefika kwa wakati