Preschoolers/school age Flashcards
What does growth and development do with preschoolers
Really slows down
Age of preschoolers
Does a preschooler consider perineal care or head assessment more invasive
Head assessment
Height of preschooler
Half of adult
Growth during preschool years
Stabilizes and slows, become slender, lose toddler belly, height 1/2 of adult
Vision at 3 years
Vision at 5 years
Is it abnormal at a kindergarten screening for vision of a child to be 20/40?
No it should be 20/40 you will not see 20/20 until age of 7
Vision approximates 20/20 around when
7 years
Fine motor skill a 3 year old can do
Draw a stick figure
Fine motor skill a 5 year old can do
Can draw body parts (ovals to present parts)
Gross motor skill a 3 year old can do
Pedal a tricycle
Gross motor skill a 4 year old can do
Gross motor skill a 5 year old can do
Jump rope. Can jump up and down on one foot
What goes a child have to be able to do in order to ride a two wheel bike
How can a child practice to learn to ride a bike without ever getting on one
Practice balancing on one foot
Developmentally when can children work in groups
At the age of 3; that’s why you see them going to preschool at 3
Social aspect of preschoolers
Begin to “interact” play with each other not just along side, may see stranger anxiety again
How do kids develop gender stereotypes
On their own
Body image in preschoolers
Differences in boys/girls, dress up and pretend, imaginative play
When does child use full sentences
5 years
How many word sentences does a 3-4 year old use
3-4 word sentences
When could a stranger understands a child speech
What should you do if child is stuttering
Best to ignore it and restate words. You don’t want to point it out because it can come behavioral and they will be afraid to speak out loud
Why does stuttering happen
Thinking much quicker than words can come out
What is the earliest age you would send a child to speech therapy for articulation issues
1st-2nd grade
When does the American Academy say the first dentist visit should be
Emergence of first tooth or 1 year of age..rarely see this in practice!!
When is the first dental visit usually
3 years
Important dental things in preschoolers
Independent brushers with supervision, using toothpaste( don’t want them to swallow), beginning to use floss
Nutrition in toddlers
Eat what they want when they want, strong taste preferences, low fat milk, balanced diet
What should you try not to use food as
A reward
How much sleep should preschoolers get
12 hours per day
What are some things that can help decease night terrors
If you wake a child up 45 min to 1 hour after they fall asleep (1st or 2nd cycle) it can help
Can you rationalize with a child having a night terror
What discipline method becomes effective with preschoolers
Time out
What do some parents need to hear from nurse about discipline
It is still ok to have limits you have at home (talking back,bedtime,food). **consistent fair discipline
How long should a 3 year old sit in time out
3 minutes
What is play like in preschool
Associative, imaginative, and dramatic
Is preschool more about individual or group experience
Group experiences
If there is a family history of cholesterol when does the American academy recommend screening for cholesterol in the child
Why is urinalysis used in preschoolers for illness prevention
Check for blood sugar protein
What should you see/do/talk about at 3 year old visit
Visit dentist, pedals tricycle/bike, immunizations/screening, BP, UA
What should you see/do/talk about at 4 year old visit
Hops on one foot, draws person, fire safety, gun safety, preschool, immunizations/screening
What should you see/do/talk about at 5 year old visit
Counts, prints, plays make believe, personal hygiene, chores, anger management, kindergarten readiness, immunizations/screenings
When can kindergarten shots be given
Between the ages of 4-6
Does a child that doesn’t meet kindergarten readiness guidelines but is the appropriate age have to stay out of kindergarten?
No! If they are age ready they can go to school even if they don’t know things
By what age does parent need to say if the are going to be homeschooled or school setting
By 6
Age of school age kids
Average growth in school age kids
2 inch (5cm)
How much weight do school she kids gain per year
4-6 lbs/year
Physical development in school agers
Skeletal lengthening, fat distribution, increased muscle strength, pubertal changes, eruption of permanent teeth
What psychosexual stage is a school age kid in?
Freud. Period of latency (sexual tranquility)
What psychosocial stage are school age kids in
Erikson. Industry vs. inferiority. Sense of personal competence and increased independence
What cognitive stage are school age kids in
Piaget. Concrete operations. Capable of logical thought process and less egocentric
Concepts of concrete operations
Conservation, reversibility, decentration, classification, ability to read
When do kids usually have ability to read
By the time they are done with kindergarten
How old are kids usually when they understand if somebody dies they aren’t going to be here anymore, but don’t understand if you say heaven or hell
Language development in school age kids
More complex grammar, increased word usage, appreciation of jokes/puns
Social development in school age kids
Begin to separate from family, relationships with other adults, identification with peers, gender stereotyping, clubs/peer groups
Should you be concerned if kid has no interest
Yes, could be a sign something else is going on with kid
When is gender specific sex education usually
5th grade
When do kids learn opposite sex sex education
6th grade
Should you make up names for kids to call private parts?
No. You should tell them what they really are, use the words penis and vagina
Parenting of the school ager
Discipline, limit setting, experience new freedoms
What age should you initiate self care with chronically ill
School age
Why do you want to let the school age child start to take care of their chronic illness themselves?
Because a chronically ill teenager will rebel if they don’t learn in childhood/school age
Developmental red flags at 6 years of age
Problems with peers, flat affect, school problems, excess tv watching, language intelligible, unable to copy, unable to catch ball
Developmental red flags at 8 years of age
Lack of hobbies/best friend, cruelty to animals, interest in fire setting, unable to add/subtract, unable to read simple words, unable to print name, unable to walk a straight line
Developmental red flags at 10 years of age
Lack of extracurricular activities, poor peer influence, lack of operational thinking, problems with reading/math, problems throwing/catching
Developmental red flags at 12 years of age
Risk taking behaviors, problems with sexuality, difficulty with school work, problems following instructions, unable to list strengths
You ask a 12 year old “Tell me something you are really good at?” Should you care if they can’t?
Yes this should be a red flag
How much sleep do school age kids need
8-12 hours/night- variable
How much physical activity each day do school age kids need
60 minutes
How much screen time should school agers have per day
No more than 60 min/day
School phobia/refusal
Heightened form of anxiety, usually separation anxiety, may have multiple somatic complaints, need physical
Management of school phobia
Diary, encourage attendance, psychiatric care, assess home situation
How do you get a kid to go back to school once they have been in hospital for a long period of time
Half days, going for visit, find one kid that will make the patient more comfortable