Preschool Flashcards
what age is preschool?
3-5 years
what is average weight of a preschooler?
32 at 3 and 41 at 5
what can a preschooler do at 3?
walk, run, ride tircylce, jump
what can a preschooler do at 4?
skipping and walking on one foot, catch ball
what can a preschooler do at 5?
jump rope, skate, swim
what erikson stage are preschoolers in?
initiative vs guilt
what do preschoolers know about body image?
can see skin color…know pretty vs ugly
what do preschoolers know about sexuality?
starts acting like their gender
what kind of sentence do 3-4 year olds know?
what kind of play do preschoolers like?
group play
what kind of friends can preschoolers have?
imaginary friends
what happens at age five around food?
they are more likely to try new foods
how long do preschoolers sleep?
12 hours no naps
what happens at night with preschoolers?
nightmares and terrors
what booster vaccines do preschool get?
DTAP, MMR, Varicella, IPV
what size gauge needle for all vacccines?
what do preschoolers need in terms of dental care
need to be reminded