Miscellaneous Flashcards
what is family configuration?
what the family looks like and who is who
what does parental relationships mean?
are the parents involved
what does chronic illness/disablity in the home mean?
does anyone in the home have a chronic illness
what is included in family dynamics?
family configuration, parental relationships, number of children/people in the home, chronic illness, substance abuse, socioeconomic status, values, culture, and practices
what should you ask a child if they are in a home with drug use?
if they are at an appropriate age ask if they feel safe
what parental factors predispose a child to abuse?
younger parents, undeducated, poor, single parent, substance abuse, parents who have been abused themselves
what child factors predispose the child to abuse?
1 and younger, colicky, and chronic illness
what environmental factors predispose a child to abuse?
stress, summer time, holidays, covid, divorce, poverty, unemployment, crowded home
who is most likely to sexually abuse a the child?
the victimizers around them
what is maltreatment?
umbrella term that includes neglect and physical abuse
what is neglect?
ongoing failure to meet a childs needs
whats more common neglect or physical abuse?
what personal factor can lead to neglect by accident?
lack of education
what are some examples of neglect?
no supervision, no food, or shelter
what is an example of physical abuse in newborns/infants?
shaken baby syndrome
what is shaken baby syndrome?
occurs when a baby is violently shaken which leads to brain trauma
why are infants at risk for shaken baby syndrome?
because they have big heads, a brain that floats around, and weak neck muscles
what age group is most at risk for shaken baby syndrome?
less than 1 years old
what are symptoms of shaken baby syndrome?
lack of crying/excessive, lethargy, not eating, one pupil is dilated, both pupils blown, pupils not reactive to light, FONTANEL BULGE even when not crying, seizures, vomitting, bradycardia, apnea, absence of reflexes, decreased LOC
what is muncausen by proxy?
mental illness in parent that leads them to act like their child is always ill
how can you diagnose or suspect Munchausen by proxy?
is the childs condition consistent from the outside world to inside the hospital or has anyone other than the parent seen the medical issues the child is facing
what usually happens when Munchausen by proxy patients come into the hospital?
they end up being perfectly fine
what are some signs of sexual abuse in children?
withdrawn, bruises near genitalia, torn/stained/bloody underclothing, pain/swelling/itching in genitals, hard to sit or walk, UTI frequency, very early pregnancy
how do you talk to a child that is potentially being abused/neglected?
dont make promises, go to a private place, go to quiet place, use real words for private parts, maintain safety, and report any suspscion
what nursing interventions for neglect/abuse?
Identify asap, obtain a history of their situation, assess the child/parent dynamic, remove child if there is immidiate danger, support the child, and enlist the team for help, and role model behavior?
what are the goals for nursing interventions for neglected/abused children?
protect, support, plan, and prevent
what is informed consent in peds?
this is something a parent signs in order to give consent for a invasive procedure for their child
what is assent?
this is permission given by a child to go forth with a procedure
is assent or consent required for a procedure?
is assent or consent a legal binding document?
why would we ask for assent?
It involves the child and is the best thing to do in terms of ethics
what is the age for consent?
what age can a person be emancipated?
when can a child be emancipated?
pregnant under 18 or to give consent for her child
what is required for telephone consent?
one parent and two nurses
what is the age assent is usually introduced?
7 years
what is done during an emergency for consent for peds?
if consent cant be signed in a timely manner the procedure is done
what can underage people consent for?
treatment of STD, mental health, pregnancy, contraception, and substance dependence
can you share information with parents if the child has STD, mental health, pregnancy, contraception, and substance dependence?
when does language development occur?
occurs when the infant starts interacting with the environment
is the rate of language development the same for every child?
what can effect the speed of language development for a child?
ear infections
what should be done during a infant physical assessment?
leave the baby in the mothers arms and do eyes/ear/mouth last
what should be done during a toddler physical assessment?
sitting in parents lap or by parent, inspect body through play, introduce equipment slowly, and perform invasive procedures last
what should be done during a preschool physical assessment?
parents close by, request self undressing, allow underwear if shy, paper doll technique
what should be done during a school age physical assessment?
respect privacy, self undress, allow underwear, give gown
what should be done during a adolescent physical assessment?
undress in privacy, self undress, gown, genitals last
what is ages and stages?
questionnaire that is filled out by parents to see how the child is doing
at what age is length used?
until the child is 24 months or able to stand on their own
what should be kept in mind when measuring on recumbent board?
plank to head, butt down, knees full extension and ankle at 90 degrees with feet flat on board
what should be kept in mind when measuring height?
no shoes, feet flat, butt/shoulders/head up against wall
how is head circumference measured?
back of head to the middle of forhead
what temp routes are used for 0-2?
axillary or rectal
what temp routes are used for 2-5?
axillary, tympanic, oral, rectal
what temp routes are used for 5+
oral, axillary, tympanic, temporal artery
what does enabling in family centered care?
creating opportunities for the family to learn
what does empowering in family centered care mean?
the nurse lets the parent do the care
what is stage of protest in relation to separation anxiety
kicking screaming and crying
what is stage of depsair in relation to separation anxiety
with drawn and not engaged
what is stage of detachment in relation to separation anxiety
interested in surrounding and making new relationships
loss of control??
what can you do before a hospital admission to help with anxiety
show them the hospital, introduce them to nurses, and machines
what might younger children do post hospital stay?
cling to parents, demanding attention, new fears, withdrawn, bedwetting, shy, hyperactive, temper tantrum
what might an older child do after a long hospital stay?
cold, dependance, anger, jealousy
how to minimize loss of control?
promote freedom….riding in cart, playground, getting out
routing, independence, education
what should be encouraged to promote sibling well being?
spouses trade off staying at the hospital so at least one parent is home……tell the sibling info about whats going on….gifts
what is the difference between restraints and behavioral restraints??
behavioral restraints are used to tie the patient down/prevent movement due to behavior while restraints are used to prevent them from doing damage to devices
what are mittens used for?
so kids dont pick at IV
when do mittens become restraints?
if they are tied down
when is a mummy wrap/blanket used?
it temporary and used to assess ear, nose, mouth,ct, mri
when are elbow restraints used?
to prevent hands from going to the face?
do you need an order for mummy, mits, or elbow restraints?
what kind of questions should be avoided when asking a parent about sids?
accusatory questions
what is an example of an accusatory question?
well did you not hear the baby crying
what is a good question t ask a parent with a sids baby?
when did you find the baby
what does developmental focus on?
on their current intelectual age…could be 12 but at 2
what are the leading causes of death for infants?
congenital abnorms….RDS…short gestation…low birth weight
what are leading cause of death in 5-9?
injuries, malignant neoplasm, congential anomalies, assault, heart disease
what is the leading cause of death for 10-14?
suicide, injuries, malignant neoplasm
what is the leading cause of death for 15-19
assault, suicide, malignant neoplasm, heart disease, accidents
what is palliative care?
this is when all modes of treatment have been tried and they arent effective
what is end of life care?
this is palliative care but right before the patient passes
what ethical considerations should the nurse avoid when taking care of a end of life patient?
not performing euthinasia
what should you do with dying children?
honest information, spiritual if needed, teaching the child about death, explain things at their level,
what do toddlers/infants know about death?
dont comprehend death
how do toddlers/infants react to death?
they react to how their parents are acting
what do preschool kids know about death?
some understanding…..they think that thoughts can cause death
what is school age kids understanding of death?
they think bad thoughts can cause death…..respond best to explanining
what do adolescents know about death?
understand it
how should to talk to adolescent about death?
answer questions fully transparent
what are side effects of scorpion stings?
difficulty breathing, muscle twitch, drooling, tachycardia, hypotension
what should be given to children with scorpion stings?
what are side effects of brown recluse bites?
tissues starts dying
what are treatment options for brown recluse bite
skin graft and antibiotics
what are symptoms of black widdow bites?
stomach/muscle cramps, high BP, shock
what is treatment for black widdow?
what are hymenopteran?
stings….from bees, wasp or ants
what is the treatment for stings?
remove stinger and give diphenhydramine for mild cases and epi for severe cases
anaphylactic reaction to stings?
hypotension, trouble breathing, urticaria, larnygel edema, angioedema
what should you do if child is bit by animal?
wash area with saline and soap….ice…apply pressure…rabies/tetanus shot…antibiotics if skin is punctured
what should you do if child is bit by human?
saline and soap…..ice…pressure…tetanus shot…if bite is larger than 6mm it will need stitches
what causes impetigo?
caused by a staph bacteria
what does impetigo look like?
reddish patch that turns to oozing that leads to honey colored crust
when is impetigo most contagious?
when it ruptures and oozing
does impetigo leave scars?
what is the treatment for severe impetigo?
oral penicillin
what is the treatment for mild local impetigo?
what is mrsa?
a bacterial infection
what can lead to MRSA?
folliculitis and cellulitits
what at home treatment for mrsa?
bleach bath
how often can you bleach bath?
1 or 2 x per week
what is the small spot treatment for MRSA
what is the large spot treament for mrsa
can the mrsa be drained
yes but not by the patietn
what causes verruca wart?
where are verruca warts typically found?
hands and feet
what is the treatment for verruca wart?
surgery or cryotherapy
what causes molluscum cantagiusum?
what does molluscum contagium look like?
flesh colored bubble with dimple in the middle
where is molluscum contagium found?
in the armpit or groin
what is the treatment for contagium?
goes away on its on or cut or chemically removed
how it molluscum spread?
skin to skin
what kind of infection is ring worm?
where can you get ring worm from?
people or animals
what is ring worm treated with?
oral greiseofulvin
what is another word for ring worm?
what is scabies?
a bug that burrows itself under the skin and reproducs
how long before scabies lay eggs?
2-4 days
how often is scabies cycle repeated
14 to 17
where are scabies burrowed?
finger, toes, underarms, folds, neck, head
what does scabies feel like?
intense itching
what is the treatment for scabies?
permethrin 5
how long do you want cream to stay on
8-14 hours
can you treat a 2 month old with scabies
how long will itching last from scabies
4-7 weeks
what is pediulosis capitis?
how long can lice live off of host?
48 hours
what is the treatment for lice
permethrin 1
what do you do with items that cant be washed in a home wtih lice?
airtight bag for 2 weeks
what is another word pinworms?
how is pinworms/ enterobiasis spread?
inhalation of eggs
what are symptoms of pinworms/enterobiasis?
itchy butt hole at night
how to diagnose pinworms?
put tape on butt hole and take to dr
how are pinworms treated?
wtih pyrantel pamoate
how often are you treated with pyrantel pamoate?
once every 2-3 weeks
What should you tell parents whose child is taking pyrantel pamoate?
that it can cause red stool or vomit
what causes diaper rash?
wearing soiled diaper or chem from diaper
how to treat diaper rash
dry, try not wear diaper, zinc oxide
where is molluscum found?
face, trunk, extremities
what is fifths disease?
a eryhtema infection
what does fifths disease look like?
red on face then spreads to body
what are symptoms of fifths disease?
red on body wih headaches, chills, body ache, neausea
what is the treatment for fifths disease?
what is scarlet fever?
stem from strep throat infectionw
how is fifths disease spread?
respiratory secretion, blood contact
what does scarlet fever look like?
full rash on body and strawberry tongue
symptoms of scarlet fever?
fever, increased hr, chills, abd pain, halitosis,
what is the treatment for scarlet fever?