prenatal development Flashcards
what is a zygote? how is it formed?
fertilized egg
what is a blastocyst? when does a zygote become a blastocyst?
dividing group of cells, 4-6 days
what are some reasons that the woman’s body eliminates prenatal abnormality?
egg and sperm did not join properly, mother is not healthy/able to carry child, etc.
what is a trophoblast? what does it become later?
outer group of cells, placenta
what is the embryonic disk? what does it become later?
inner cells, beginning of embryo
what does the amniotic fluid do for the developing organism?
protects fetus from injury and temperature changes
what is the purpose of the umbilical cord?
connect placenta to embryo, delivers blood loaded with nutrients and removes waste
what is implantation bleeding?
fertilized egg/zygote attaches to uterus
when does the heartbeat of the developing organism begin to beat?
4 weeks
when does the central nervous system begin to form?
3 weeks
what week of pregnancy do neurons begin to form?
5 weeks
when do most women find out they are pregnant?
5-6 weeks
what percentage of women report not having any symptoms of pregnancy by 8 weeks?
by the end of the embryonic period, what has happened? what are the only organs that have not developed?
all basic organs and body parts except for sex organs
when is the developing organism considered a fetus?
9 weeks until birth
what is the focus on fetus time?
trimester 1
first 3 months
trimester 2
6 months
trimester 3
9 months
when does touch sensitivity of the developing organism begin to develop?
9-12 weeks
when do the sex organs begin to differentiate?
12 weeks
when does mom start to feel a developing organism?
16-20 weeks
what is the vernix? when does it develop? what is its purpose?
thick greasy substance to protect baby’s skin from getting wrinkly, 2nd trimester
when can babies survive outside the womb? when does the baby’s chance of survival increase?
22 weeks, 26 weeks increases
what is folic acid?
important nutrient for pregnant women
what disorder is associated with not consuming folic acid?
spina bifida
what does stress do to the mother’s hormones and how does this impact the baby?
reduces flows of oxygen, weakens immune system
what maternal ages are associated with smoother pregnancy?
20-35 yrs
what paternal ages are associated with smoother pregnancy?
under 40 yrs
agent that causes abnormal prenatal development
how can you ensure that diseases do not impact the developing organism?
not contract disease before or during pregnancy
how does smoking cigarettes impact pregnant women and the baby?
constricts blood vessels and reduces the flow of oxygen
how does alcohol impact the baby?
smaller than normal, physical deformities, developmental disabilities
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder vs partial fetal alcohol syndrome
what are braxton hicks? when do women feel? What can women do to prevent them?
third trimester, when the muscles tighten across the stomach to tone the uterus muscles and prepare the cervix for birth, relaxing and changing positions
what is crowning? what is breeching?
top of baby’s head is visible, feet/butt leaves first
how does natural labor help the baby adapt to the world?
what is the role of cortisol?
helps baby withstand oxygen deprivation, causes lung to absorb the remaining fluid, baby becomes alert
what is fetal monitoring?
electronic instruments used to track baby’s heart rate during labor, 85% of births
medical reasons for c sections?
developmental problems, breeching, genital herpes, placenta/umbillical problems, stalled labor, previous c section
c section risks for mom?
infection, blood loss, organs, extended recovery time
c section risks for baby?
premature, breathing problems, lower apgar scores
what is a perineal tear? how common is it?
80% of women, tear between vagina and anus
what is episiotomy? when is it recommended?
planned incision on perineum, when baby is distressed or tear is likely
how is a tear/epistomy treated?
how to avoid a tear?
massages, keep it warm
what is epidural? cons?
medicine injected into area around spinal cord
lower blood pressues, feeling of illness, risk of newborn not feeding properly, prolonged labor
if a woman is interested in home/water births, what are important factors to consider?
health risks, infant mortality
APGAR screener? factors scored? score range? when do they do it? when is a baby more likely to score higher?
evaluate newborn’s conditions, 1 and 5 minutes after birth, 7+ baby is good, 4-6 baby needs assistance, 3 baby is in danger
what is the average birth weight? low birth weight? negative outcomes?
7.5 lbs, -5.5 lbs
preterm babies
serveral or more weeks before due date
small for date babies
below expected weight considering length of pregnancy
interventions for preterm babies? isolette? kangaroo care?
plexiglass enclosed bed to regulate body temperature and filter air to prevent infection, vertical position on caregivers chest
neonatal behavioral assessment scale? when is it done?
2 months old, 28 behavioral items and 18 reflexes, motor and state and automatic and social
infant reflexes?
regular nonrem sleep, rem sleep, drowsiness, quiet alertness, waking and crying
how much do we expect newborns to sleep?
16-18 hours daily
why do babies cry? what are the first things we should do when a baby cries?
basic cry, pain cry, mad cry, validate feelings
physical changes mothers experience? vaginal bleeding?
breast milk, uterus reducing, 4-6 weeks of bleeding because of blood vessels after placenta detaches
2 books from gottman institute to support couples and families? when are they appropriate?
seven principles for making marriage work, baby makes three
baby blues vs postpartum depression?
irritability, resentment, crying spells
changes in hormones, history of depression, larger environmental factors